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Getting to Walgreens, I walk in and grab the photos I had them print out. I pay and run to the mall to get the pants quickly realizing it's 7pm. I grab a pair of pants that are plain white and the other with skulls on one side and black on the other. I wander over to the cashier. I look around at all the shirts and Batman stuff. If I had more money I would probably buy some Batman stuff. I have an addiction with Batman, a big addiciton thats probably not too healthy.

Laughing at myself I pay for the clothes. I leave the mall and walk back to the hotel, almsot getting hit by a car. I make it back to the hotel "safely". Running up to my room I touch my pockets remembering that I left my key inside the room and Shay left a few minutes after I did so she's probably not in there.

"Fuck!" I yell kicking the door, sliding down, and sitting in front of it.


My head is in my knees as I sit here bored to death. Playing games on your phone isnt very smart. Your battery dies quickly.

"Are You alright?" A voice asks. 

"Yeah, just fucking great." I say not looking up. The stranger sits down beside me, im guessing the person is a guy though considering they have a very deep voice. 

"Well you dont seem great." He says making me roll  my eyes.

"Sarcasm, dear. I cant get into my room. My key is in there and Shayla, my best friend, isnt here and I cant get ahold of her to tell her to come back here to let me in." I finish telling all of this to a stranger that I dont even know what looks like. He's silent for a few moments so I look up. My face must have a shocked expression becasue he grins. He holds out his hand for me to shake which I gladly do. 

"Im Serenade." I say smiling. 

"Im An-" I cut him off. 

"Andy Biersack, lead singer of Black Veil Brides. Yeah I know." I blush at the way the words that just came out. I sound like a huge fangirl and a bitch at the same time. He must of noticed how I reacted after I said that because he laughs shrugging. 

"Its okay, I get it a lot." He says making me feel better. 

"Im not a creepy fan girl stalker, I promise." I laugh nerveously. He chuckles. 

"That's good. We have a lot of creepy fan girl stalkers and Id hate if someone as pretty as you was one of them." I laugh and blush. We sit there for a couple seconds until Andy breaks the silence with a question. 

"Since you're sitting out here all alone and you look a little bored, would you like to show me around the area? Jake has never really shown me his hometown." Im actually quite shocked. The Andrew Biersack, lead singer of Black Veil Brides, wants to hang out wiht me?! This must be a dream! He laughs making me a bit confused. 

"Yes, I do want to hang out wiht you, its not a dream!" He laughs more. I menatlly face plam myself for saying my thoughts out loud. I blush mroe and nod. 

"I guess, since I have nothing better to do. My phones dead and you're obviously a nice person that makes kick ass music! So.." He stands up and holds his hand out to help me up. I take it and stand up with the help of him. His hand is nice and warm, what? I pick up my bags from earlier.

"I had bought a few things earlier. I hope you dont mind." He shakes his head with a smile and I start to walk out of the hotel with a billion questions running through my head.


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