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Jake is driving the truck because I made him. Everyone did the not it gamea dn Jake and I where the only two who didn't catch onto it.

"You where supposed to turn left!" I almsot yell into his ear getting a laugh from the backseat. He turns around and turns into the zoo parking lot. I jump out of the truck, running to buy us all tickets, I get discounts hehe. 

"HURRY UP!" I yell at them. They finally reach me and I hand them each a pass to get in.  I run inside to go find the tigers and I quickly do.

**Andy's POV**

Serenade hands us our tickets and runs off, probably to go to the tigers.

"I'll go with her, if i can catch up." I say to everyone around me, they could care less. I walk over to a map thing and look where the tigers are. I start walking the way to the tigers are and look at all the kids looking at the animals.

I find Serenade sitting by the tiger cage. The tiger is slowly walking towards the glass to where she is. The giant cat sits down, like right in front of her. I see a beautiful smile pop onto her face. I decide this is a picture perfect momet and take a picture of her looking at the tiger and it look back at her. I upload that to instagram quickly.

@andbvb: How does this even happen? damn Serenade.

"Hey." I say walking up to where she is sitting and sit beside her. The tiger looks a little disturbed but still sits there.

"Hey." She replies with a small smile.

"So how in the hell did you get this tiger to sit in front of you like this?" I ask.

"I don't know, I've always had a good connection with white tigers. I rememebr once when I was little I went to this zoo in California and they got a white tiger and they couldn't seperate me from the glass and the tiger wouldn't move either." She finishes with a large smile looking at me. I wonder how she does that, how is that even possible?

"So I have to ask you something." I say to her as she goes back to looking at the tiger.


"I want you to come live with me." Her face after I say that is priceless. 

"Uh-Uhm I can't ask that." She replies looking at me.

"Again, I didn't ask, I want." I say just like i did last week.

"But my band." She says quietly.

"They can move down to LA. I'm sure that they could find a house to share or something and there's a better chance of you guys getting bigger then you already are down in LA because you can play at bigger shows." I finish. She's silent for a minute or two then opens her mouth but closes it again.

"I will, as long as my band can move down." She says looking quite serious.

"Yes! Score!" I laugh a litle.

"What? Am I that fun to live with?" She laughs a little. I nod. TO be honest, she is quite fun to live with. Doesn't care if I watch Batman becasue she love's at as much as I do, if not more. She's also amazing at playing guitar, it's crazy.

"Let's go find the guys. My guess is they're at the food court." I finish making her laugh.

**Serenade's POV**

We walk to the food area but I make Andy look at the monkeys first. We reach the food court and sure eneough I see Jake and CC stuffing their face's with pizza. I laugh and walk up to them.

"Save any for me?!" I look at both of them. They shake their heads and continue eating their now really yummy looking pizza.

"Hey Andy, you wanna buy me some pizza?" I ask using a sheepish grin. He laughs and grins.

Beautiful Remains(Andy Biersack)Where stories live. Discover now