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"Hey everyone!" Shay yells into the mic getting screams back.

"My name is Shayla, I am the new singer for Hopeless! I hope you guys have a kick as time tonight and enjoy my voice." She smiles, hyping the crowd more. 

"This first song is called, Just another Soul by Farewell, My Love." I say into the mic. Of course we change it up a bit, I personally think it sounds amazing.

"Scars run down your arms 
To make you feel like something 
I'm so lonely & it's killing me 
It's tearing me apart " As Shay and I sing these lyrics together I make eyecontact with that girl, Sidney. She smiles more and sings along with the song. She must know who Farewell, My love is unless she's heard our remake of it? Who knows. 

We play a few more songs in the order of:
Heaven Is A Place by Joel Faviere
When You Can't Sleep At NIght by Of Mice and Men
Zombie by The Pretty Reckless
Mama by My Chemical Romance
The Comeback by Blood On The Dance Floor
Done For You by Black Veil Brides( I happened to do most of  the singing oddly)
Zombie Romance by Snow White's Poison Bite
Rivals by Her Bright Skies
Roger Rabbit by Sleeping With Sirens
Bulletproof Love by Pierce The Veil
From The Start by Late Nite Reading

I grab my water bottle and start chugging it. When I finish it I throw the bottle into the crowd along with my guitar pic, I have more and I always throw them in the crowd

"So now our special guests are going to come on stage. If any of you do anything bad you will be taken out of the venue, we need to keep them safe. Got it?" I point and look at everyone in the crowd. They all scream with anticipation, I'm guessing. I walk off the stage into the back room to get the boys.

"Okay, you four boys come with me!" I say.

"What? I don't wnna get up!" CC whines making me giggle.

"I will sit on you ! You know I have a boney butt!" I say to him and walk over to him, preparing to sit on him.

"Fine!" He whines making me giggle more, he stands.

"Okiedokie let's go!" I say smiling like a little girl on Christmas. 

"Serenade, you are fucking sweaty!" Andy says standing up and looking at me.

"Come here baby! Grandma Seya wants to give you a big hug!" I say trying to use my best old person voice. I run and hug him laughing as he fails to squeeze out of my grasp.

"Seya?" Jake asks.

"That's my real name, Serenade is my middle name. I like Serenade better." I shrug making him nod. I let Andy go realizing I'm stil holding onto him.

"Go!" I push the boys out of the door and onto the stage. The crowd goes, NUTS!

"I TOLD YOU IT WAS BVB!" I hear a girl yell. These kids have been screaming for like ten minutes.

"Hey! Everyone, if you don't pipe it down they're gonna leave!" I threaten them getting the mic snatched from my hands by Andy. They all laugh as I glare at him.

"Don't be so mean." He smirks not saying that into the mic. He puts the microhone up to his mouth like he'd do if he was on stage.

"As many of you know, I'm An-"

"ANDREW BIERSACK! HAVE MY BABIES!" He get's interrupted making me laugh my ass of.

"I think someone else should take the mic, they obviously know who I am." I am like dying with laughter at his expression. He throws me a glare making me laugh harder. 

"BOISE!" CC takes the mic and drags the name of the city out. "HOW ARE ALL YOU LOVLEY HUMANS FUCKING DOING TONIGHT?!" He yells into the microphone. Of course the crowd screams.

"GOOD! IF YOU WEREN'T I WOULD HAVE GONE AND CRIED! CC NEVER FUCKING CRIES! THAT BAND THAT JUST PLAYED FOR YOU FUCKING ROCKED!" He finishes making me smile like a maniac, after I had stopped laughing like a retarded seal. I grab the mike from CC sticking my tongue out at him and he does the same back.

"WHO WANTS TO SEE BVB PERFORM?!" I yell into the mic getting screams and whoops back from the crowd.

"I CAN'T FUCKING HEAR YOU?!" They scream louder.

"CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?!" Blade yells in my ear scaring the living shit out of me.

"Jesus fucking damn! You just made me shit my pants!" I say to him, not realizing I was talking into the mic. The crowd goes nutz with laughter, fuck no I'm a damn comedian.

"Serenade, the girl that shit her pants." He snickers and steps out of my smacking zone.

"So, I have a feeling you guys want to hear BVB play?!" The crowd screams again.

"Well shit, looks like you guys have to play a song!" I grin and hand the mic to Andy.

"Only if you sing with me!" Andy argues holding the microphone so the crowd doesnt hear him.

"No, I sound like a dying pig!"

"You can scream and when you where singing done for you, it was amazing! Right guys?" Andy asks everyone on stage and they all agree. Fucking damn.

"So you dissapoint all these fans because you won't sing with me or you sing with me and make people happy!" He does have a good oint about the dissapointment of the fans and they probably would never want to support anything to do with HA, better sing with Andy.

"Fine, what song are we going to sing?" I say rolling my eyes as the rest of my band walks off. 

"I think we should sing," Andy trails off and the guitars and bass start playing and I immediatly recognize the song as Helena by Misfits. I grin at Andy and he starts singing. 

"If I cut off your arms and cut off your legs
Would you still love me anyway?" I start singing along with him.
If you're bound and you're gagged, draped and displayed
Would you still love me anyway?
Why don't you love me anyway?"  We continue singing the song as the music plays. A few of the kids sing along. 

The song finishes and I laugh a bit.

"You know who the Misfits is?" Andy asks looking a bit shocked.

"Hell yeah, they used to be my favorite band in high school." I grin at him but the grin turns into a smile. He smiles back also, I get caught in those damn icy blue eyes again. My eyes start to trail down to his lips quickly. Before I know it our lips are locked on each others and awwes come from the crowd. The sensation I get from this kiss is amazing. His silver lip ring is pressin onto my lips. He slides his upper lip between my lips and my bottom lip is between his. His warm lips leave mine all too soon as we both pull away from the amazing yet frusterating kiss.

I hug him tightly to avoid the awkwardness as the crowd still cooe's. I'm probably red as fuck considering my cheeks are burning. I feel his warm arms around me as he hug me back tightly. I don't even know how and why I kissed him. I think I was the first to kiss him at least. 

"You where great." Andy whispers in my ear making a huge smile grow causing my arms to squeeze tighter around him with kids screaming around us.

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