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Four hours later it's just me sitting in Andy's room. Firstly Jinxx had to go get finnish getting ready so he could call Sammi Doll. Then CC left to go help Ashley with something then go finish his makeup. Then Shay went back to our room to change. I guess she took a shower or something because she's taking forever. Andy is in his bathroom getting ready for the show.

I hear a buzz. Hmm what is it? I pull my phone out of my pocket, not my phone. I walk across the room to the bed trying to be as stealthy as possible. I see a small glow and dig through the blankets. It's Andy's phone. Gee, dont i feel smart. It's a text from Juliet. I like Juliet, she seems wonderful. Im a huge fan of her music and her and Andy are cute.


"Who is it from?" He says walking out of the bathroom.

"Juliet." I raise my eyebrows up and down. He laughs at that.

"Can you bring my phone to me?" He asks. I skip over to him and hand him his phone. When handing him his phone our hands touch a little making me shiver a little. Its like a surge of warmth went through my hand. I dont know how to explain it really. We smile a little at each other.

**Andy's POV**

Serenade hands me my phone. Our fingers brush each others and she shivers as do I. What a weird feeling that was, it was a good feelling though. I smile at her earning a smile back as she skips away. I shake my head at her smiling more. She jokes around a lot, more then CC. It's different, it's cute. I look down at my phone to open the text Juliet suposedly sent me. Opening it, I read the text quietly out loud.

"Hey babe, we need to talk later, very imporatnt." What's that supposed to mean?! Now im going to be freaking out until we "talk". Just like Juliet also, making me worry right before a concert! What the fuck!? Calm down Andy. You're over reaacting. She probably got invited to a party and wants you to go with her or something. I slip my phone in my pocket and walk back into the bathroom.

-20 min later-

**Serenade's POV**

Im laying on the couch playing a game on my phone still in Andy's hotel room. I hear the door open making me drop my phone on my face. I hear Shay's farmiliar laugh.

"Shush bitch!" She skips over to where im laying.

"Can I sits?"

"NEVA! My couch!" I squeeze the couch making her sit on me.

"MR. TODD! HELP ME!" I laugh remembering the video again. Shayla laughs also, this is when shes most vulnerable.

"RAW!" I yell pushing her off and standing on the couch.

"VICTORY IS SWEET!" I yell loudly. Shayla laughs defeated on the floor.

"PEASANT!" I yell laughing also. Andy comes out looking at me like im crazy.

"Is she on drugs?" Andy raises an eyebrow looking at Shayla. She just shakes her head laughing harder,

"Hey! Im right here! Mr. Buttkiss!" I stick my tongue out at him. He does the same making both of us laugh. Shayla just stares at us. i giggle at her black expression and hop off the couch. 

"We should get going to the Knitting factory! That place is going to be packed by now!" I turn to Shayla. She nods and stands up from the ground. 

"Wait, you guys can just go with us. You can stay backstage and hang out with me and the guys if you want." Andy says with a smile. I laugh at how excited he sounds about it. I look over at Shay to see if its okay with her. She nods like crazy and I turn to Andy.

"Okay!" I smile. This is going to be fun.



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