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Andys eyes catch mine as we sit in silence. He looks like he was crying. He looks away again causing me to sigh a bit. 

"I'm so sorry, I'm so fucking sorry. I never meant to hurt you. That stupid tweet was bullshit. I was drunk as fuck and laying in my bed." He mumbles shaking his head.

"Andy, calm down, please. My life has gotten better in a way. I'm not a young stupid girl anymore. I've learned so much since I met you and since I left L.A. I don't think back to the times before going to Scranton or before the hospital. If I do it's only because I feel like hurting myself and I only think so I don't go back to this times." He puts his head in his hands shaking his head. "How was your life?" I ask him picking up my coffee cup.

"Well, it sucks. Everytime Ash would take me to a bar and try to make me take home a chic Id get her to my house then I'd start fucking crying," He laughs and shakes his head sitting up straight. "How pathetic is that?! My band mates hate me also, can't forget to mention that. They're always mad at me because I talk about you and they say I deserve it. Fuck I know I deserve it but I still fucking miss you like hell." He shrugs. "Oh and we can't forget the nonstop calling from Shayla, Kasey, Blade, and Erika asking if I had heard from you just to leave them with the dissapointment of 'no I haven't found her'." He puts air quotes around some of the sentance. "Fuck, then one day I get a call from Shayla balling her eyes out saying Kasey's been in a car crash. That he rolled his car and wasn't doing good. He fucking, he didnt, he didnt fucking make it." He stammers out making my heart stop. I feel my jaw start to tremble as tears pile up in my eyes. "They said that he was drunk and was on the phone. Th-They found his phone in his hand at the accident and it had your name on the call log." He mumbles. I can't breathe. 

"What?! You're lying! You're fucking lying! He, no! He can't!" I stand up and feel like  my throat is going to close up. My coffee cup falls from my hand landing on the ground. I stare at it watching the contents spill out. I fall to my knees feeling like I've been stabbed in the chest.

"Im so sorry." He whispers and tries to help me stand up. I pull away from him looking at him wide eyed.

"It's all my fault,"I whisper put my hands in my hair tugging at it a bit, "It's my god damn fault." I feel tears start spilling down my cheeks.

I somehow make it outside of the coffee shop. Tear after tear spill off my face as I end back up on the ground.

"Seya?!" Someone calls but I don't care who it is.

Kasey is dead, I killed him. I basically killed my brother. What the hell kind of person does that?! Why would he do that?! Why was I not fucking around to keep him from drunk driving?! Why didn't I stay. Oh my god, I killed him. I fucking killed him. Kasey is dead. 

Arms wrap around me as I heave to try and breathe as I scream a bit. I killed Kasey, it's all my fault. I feel anxiety turn in my stomach sending my body into a fluttery mess, not a good fluttery mess. I scream out and try pushing myself off the person that has ahold of me. I can't though because they have a hard grip on me. I scream again as tears start falling down my cheeks again. 

"NO!" I yell as the tears slide down. 

"Seya, calm down." The voice whispers. I sob more as the person pushes my head into their chest rubbing my back. I grip onto their shirt holding it tightly soaking their shirt.


"When is she going to wake up?" There's a faint whisper.

"I don't fucking know! It's your damn fault she fucking passed out!" A voice growls. 

I open my eyes slowly, squinting at the brightness of where I am. I see two black figures as my eyes slowly adjust to the bright light. My vision becomes more clear and the two figures are Andy and Chris. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out but a small squeak making me really confused. The two boys look over at me making Chris com beside me immediatey. 

"Kitty, are you okay, baby?" He whispers stroking my cheek. I nod a bit  and look over to see a water bottle. I point at it making Chris hand it to me. I chug the water down filling my insides with the cool water while my throat doesn't feel dry as hell anymore. 

"I'm fine, just confused. Where are we?" I ask looking around a bit. 

"We're in the back of Starbucks because you had to fucking pass out." He glares making me furrow my eyebrows. 

"Dude, what the fuck?!" Chris growls at him. 

"I need to talk to her." Andy says mostly to Chris crossing his arms, but I don't care because I'm going to speak for myself. 

"You think I fucking want to talk to you after you spit at me that I passed out after what you told m?! I don't want to hear anything else you have to say! You're probably going to tell me that something terrible happened to Shayla or something that I don't want to hear, just kindly fuck off!" I say sitting up. The feeling that I had sitting on that couch is long gone and I am completly angry and hurt. I want to fucking scream and hit Andy but I also want to cry into Chris's chest. 

"I don't care if you don't want to talk to me, I need to talk to you and I will not kindly fuck off." He replies sternly. 

"And I don't care if you want to talk! Now fuck off because I need to get to San Fran." I say and try to stand but epically fail because Chris holds me down. 

"You aren't going anywhere." CHris says with a serious expression. 

"And why the hell not?!" I say to him getting upset. I stare him in the eyes to try and break him. 

"Because, you're weak, you need rest." He says staring back doing the same thing that I'm trying to do. 

"I can sleep on the road, now let me go Christopher." I say to him trying to get out of his grip. I squirm around until he presses his lips against mine. I instantly stop moving at that. 

A throat gets cleared and right after we hear the persons voice. 

"Excuse me, but I'm still in the room." Imagine that, it's Andy. Chris pulls away a bit so I can still see the small smirk on his lips. I smirk a bit also and kiss him again deeply. HAHAHAHA EAT IT ANDREW!

"Fuck you!" He growls. I hear his feet stomp out of the room and slam the door of the room. 

Chris and I seperate to look into each others eyes. Both of us knowing I'm not going to give up till I'm on the bus going to San Fransisco. 

"Fine!" He gives in and sighs. He pouts a bit and does a puppy dog face. I giggle a bit and kiss his forehead. He lets me stand this time. As we walk out the door he smacks my butt making me glare back at him earning a chuckle from him. 

Beautiful Remains(Andy Biersack)Where stories live. Discover now