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I hum softly along with Lana Del Rey's "Video Games" while I sit outisde of Andy's home. I have a notebook in hand along with a pen and am trying to write music. I've gotten some thoughts jotted down but nothing really sticks out. It's been about two days since Andy and I shared that kiss, that amazing kiss. Andy said he wanted to take me out on a date tonight and I agreed happily. We got my shit unpacked fairly quickly and just layed around being lazy the rest of the day till Shayla and Ashley came over. It was a pretty interesting day, in a way.

I sigh getting stuck at a part in the song, I'm trying to write so we can put our own music out since no more Jerimiah.

"The hate, love, and war drive us all insnae. We never know what to think of things as time flys by our open ears." I whisper writing that down on the pad. I'm really not the greatest writer when it comes to music. I can never put my thoughts into lyrical format, it's kind of silly I guess. I see Andy's long legs sliding down the wall beside me probably meaning he's sitting by me. I take one of my ear buds out just in time because he starts talking. 

"Hey you." Andy says plopping down beside me, cigarette in his hand. Weird, I didn't hear him come out?

"Hello," I smile a bit. 

"What're you doing?" He asks looking at the notebook in my hands.

"Trying to write music, kind of failing. Not the greatest at writing lyrics." I shrug letting him see the paper. 

"It looks good so far. Keep it up and you will definitly go far. With that amazing voice and guitar skills along with the rest of your band mates, you guys will be a huge success." I smile at his words.

"I doubt nearly as great as you guys though." I grin and poke his side. He laughs lightly, Andy is really ticklish.

"You could maybe even be better." I roll my eyes and shake my head at his response. No way would I myself nor my band ever get bigger than BVB. That would be cool but it would never happen. 

"I came out here to tell you that we have to leave in about two hours." He says bumping his shoulder with mine.

"For what?" I ask raising an eyebrow, its like two in the afternoon.

"Well first we need to stop and I need to drop something off at CC's place then it's a suprise after that." He wiggles his eyebrows around making me laugh lightly.

"Does that mean I have to get ready?" I question leaning my bent legs into his criss crossed ones. 

"That would probably be a smart idea. I don't think you're one of those chics that take a million years to get ready but I could be wrong." He shrugs making me laugh. 

"I should probably shower so it might take me a million years." I run my fingers through my greasy, now kind of white-ish hair. I'm going to try and dye it a really light pastel pink soon, my roots are showing and it looks kind of weird. 

"Yeah, you stink. I could smell you from inside the house." He snickers making me push his head a little causing him to full on laugh. I roll my eyes at him and stand up turning my music player on my phone off. He holds out his hands for me to help him up. I hold up the notebook, pen, and my phone.

"Sorry, hands are full." I grin. He flips me off making me giggle and walk inside the house. I sit my shit on my bed as I get into my room. It feels like my room and Andy said it was mine so I now call it my room. I flop onto the bed and look at my phone. I've been tweeting a lot about what's been going on in my life, kind of leaving the parts out about Andy and I kissing and such. Not ready to get hate and we're not even a couple so I don't think he would be very thrilled with me. I look at some of my notifications. There's a lot of new followers, replies and mentions. 

Beautiful Remains(Andy Biersack)Where stories live. Discover now