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"Room 213 on the 3rd floor." The guy that Serenade said's name is Eddie tells me. I nod and take the two keys I get for my room. Serenade and I walk go up to the third floor. I hear her giggle.

"What?" I raise an eyebrow. 

"You look so concentrated." She says giggling a little more.

"Whatever!" I smirk. We reach the room and I use the card to unlock the door, wlaking in. It's nicer then the one I had before. I smile and throw the movies onto the bed.

"So what episode did we stop at?" I ask Serenade. 

"I think we stoped at episode four of season two." She replies. I smile at her and put the disc into the video player. Serenade sits on the bed and I sit beside her. 

My phone starts buzzing and Serenade start's to giggle.

"What?" I ask laughing.

"It tickles!" She says giggling more. I smile at her and grab my phone out of my pocket seeing that it's a call.

"Mind if I pause it so I can answer this call?" I ask her.

"But but, Batman! I guess you can." I pause the episode poking her side making her giggle.


"Hey Andy, it's Juliet. I have to tell you this. I like Serenade but I don't want you two hanging out unless I'm with you. I can tell she likes you more than a friend and I don't like that. I sound like a jealous bitch but if you want to stay with me, you can't be friends with her." She finishes sounding like she's on the verge of crying. 

"Seriously Juliet? I'm so fucking tired of you saything this about every one of my freinds that are female. It's like you think that I'm some kind of manwhore, which im not. Serenade does not like me in the way that is more then a friend. I love you but we are not fucking working out. I'm so tired of having you jealous of everythig I fucking touch." I finish saying a little pissed.

"Does this mean we're over?" 

"Yes, it does. I can't keep living this way."

"I'm sorry, Andy. I never meant for things to get this out of hand. You'll always be in my heart and I'm sorry I couldn't be better." She finishes and hangs up.

"You okay?" Serenade asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Juliet and I just broke up. She was saying that she didn't want me being friends with you. Honestly I was really tired of her being jealous all the fucking time. There is a lot more then that but I frankly do not want to fucking talk about it."

"Oh, I'm sorry." She pulls her knees to her chest. 

"Hey, don't be sad!"

"It was my fault you guys broke up though." She says sotfly.

"No, it is deffinitly not. She has always been this way. I may sound like a dick but it was really fucking irritating. I'm excited to be single again."

"Im sorry." She says again.

"It's fine Serenade! It's not your fault." She nods and takes the remote getting sucked back into Batman.

*Serenade's POV*

"I'm sorry." I apologize again. 

"It's fine Serenade! It's not your fault." I nod and grab the remote playing Batman getting sucked in.


"Hey Andy?" I say quietly just in case he is asleep. Im almost asleep and trying to keep my eyes open.

"Hm?" He says half asleep.

"What time is it?" I ask him looking up at him. I'm lookin gup at him because I'm laying down and he is sitting up. He pulls out his phone and looks at the time.

"Ten, fifty eight." He replies looking down at me.

"Okay, thanks." I reply and stand up slowly. "I better go back to my room now." I say rubbing my eyes.

"You can stay." He looks up at me.

"I need my PJ's though." I say kind of whining.

"Will you come back?" He asks.

"Maybe, depends if I pass out when I get to my room." He nods as I walk towards the door.

"Maybe see you in a few minutes." I say exciting the room.

I skip back to my room on the second floor and take a shower, I like showers. They clear my mind. 
I sit down on the shower floor and start to cry. I don't cry a lot, but I just broke Andy and Juliet up. You know how much hate I'm going to get? Not just from fans of Juliet but fans of BVB also. I sound so bitchy, I guess the world doesnt revolve around me.

I step out of the shower and put my white tiger sleeping shirt on with black shorts. Shayla isn't in the room again, seriously? I wonder where she is.

I go back to Andy's room and lightly knock on the door. He opens the door quickly and smiles.

"You came back!" He says quietly pulling me into a hug. I nod and hug him back. We let go and I walk over to the bed laying down.

"Are you okay?" He asks laying down beside me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say with a smile. He shakes his head. 

"You're lying." He says looking at me. I try avoiding his gaze but my eyes get sucked into his ice blue orbs.

"Where you crying?" He asks me.

"No." I say quietly again.

"Your lying again." I look down. He puts a finger under my chin and lifts my head up. "What happened?" He asks quietlly.

"Nothing." I say quietly.

"Please, tell me."

"You know how much hate I am going to get?" I tell him but sort of ask him.

"You're not going to get any hate beause I will not let that happen." He says with a triumphant smile.

"I'm going to sleep now." I say tiredly and close my eyes. I get pulled into his chest as he wraps his arms around me tightly.

"Goodnight." He whispers in my ear making me shiver. I cuddle into his warm chest and fall asleep slowly.

Beautiful Remains(Andy Biersack)Where stories live. Discover now