Chapter 4: A sneaky start

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That night, before I went to sleep, I reminded Rotom to wake me up an hour early.

The next morning, that's what it did. I quietly got out of bed and took all of my school supplies out of my backpack. Then, I replaced them with the leftover pokeballs, some money, my notebook, extra clothes, and a family picture. I put on a pink-striped sleeveless shirt, along with some distressed blue jeans that went down to my knees, and a black fanny pack. I put my long, honey blonde hair into a ponytail and put on my black zygarde cap. Since the window by my bed was big enough that I could fit through it, I opened it and climbed out of it. I was going to take the island challenge and become the champion of the Alola region. Just then, I realized that I only had one pokemon, and that was Bubble. I need to catch another pokemon, I decided. Water was my favourite pokemon type, so I decided to look around Melemele Sea, where the beach was.

Ten minutes had gone by, but there were still no pokemon out. I just wanted something simple like a Corsola or a Staryu. "Can Staryu or Corsola even be found around here?" I asked Rotom, who was sitting in my fanny pack next to Bubbles pokeball. "Zrrrrt, Corsola can," it replied, "but not Staryu."

Just then, a purple starfish pokemon jumped out of the water. I thought it looked more like a shy, lost girl than a pokemon. It had large yellow eyes with blue pupils, three pointy teeth sticking out of its mouth, and ten blue, drooping tentacles that resembled hair. Each tentacle had three purple spikes, except the one above the pokemons face, which was shorter than the other tentacles and only had two.

"That is Mareanie, the brutal star pokemon," Rotom explained. "It's a water and poison type. This one is a male." I sent Bubble out of her pokeball, then ordered her to use Pound. Mareanie didn't take that much damage. He quickly attacked Bubble, and soon, she started to look dizzy. What move was that? I wondered. "Rotom, will you check Mareanies moves?" Obediently, Rotom came out of my fanny pack and started reading out Mareanies moves; they were Poison Sting, Scald and Peck. Mareanie had used Poison Sting.
"Bubble, use Water Gun!" A blast of water shot out of Bubbles mouth, knocking Mareanie back. I thought I had made him faint, but he got up again. Since his health was low, now was my chance. I took a pokeball out of my backpack, then threw it while shouting, "Pokeball, go!" Mareanie turned red and became smaller and smaller as he went into the pokeball.

Shock filled my body. Could this actually be happening? I pinched myself, wondering if I was dreaming. But the small prick of pain told me that, no, it wasn't a dream. Happily, I picked up Mareanies pokeball as Bubble jumped in my arms for a hug. I then decided I would name the Mareanie Spike.

Soon, I went into Hau'oli city and took Bubble and Spike to a pokemon center. After putting them back into their pokeballs, a man with pink hair and dark-ish skin startled me from behind. "Hi there!" He greeted. "Are you doing the island challenge?"

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