Chapter 24: Lets rock and roll!

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It was 7:30 in the evening. I was in the café in the pokemon center in Konikoni city after a long day of training with my pokemon.
The café worker handed me a glass cup. "Here you go, miss. One Roserade tea." He then gave four pokebeans to each of my pokemon, who were all out of their pokeballs.
Just then, I saw Lillie sit down next to me. "Hey, Lillie," I greeted with a smile. "Hi, Millie..." she muttered with a tiny smile. "Do you m-mind if I sit down with you?" "Not at all!" I agreed. "Have a seat." She sat down, then asked the café worker to get her a Tapu Cocoa, and some pokebeans for Nebby.

"There's something I wanted to ask you," Lillie admitted a little later. "You're...going to do your grand trial in the Ruins of Life tomorrow...right?"
I took a sip of my tea. "Yeah, why?" "Would okay if I came with you? I think Nebby is looking for something in the Ruins of Life. We can do it after your grand trial, though." "Okay, but I'm probably gonna be leaving early in the morning, so..." "That's okay."

The next day, Lillie and I were walking to the Ruins of Life; we were almost there.
Just then, Nebby sprung out of Lillies bag. "Pew!" "Nebby..." Lillie sighed. "Please get back in the bag..." "Pew..." Nebby hung its head, then got back in the bag. "I-I'm sorry," I heard Lillie whisper to Nebby. "I'm just...trying to protect you..." Protect it? I asked myself. From what?

Soon, we made it to the Ruins of Life. Standing in front of me was a dark-skinned woman with brown hair and brown eyes. Her clothing was showing a fair amount of midriff, and she was wearing a ton of jewelery. "My name is Olivia," she introduced. "I am the island kahuna." "I'm Millie," I stated. "My goal is to one day win the Alola league. By battling you, I hope to get one step closer to achieving my goal." "Well said, Millie," Olivia praised. "In that case, let the grand trial begin!" She then pulled out a pokeball as I took out Racky's pokeball and got prepared to send her out. "Good luck, Millie!" Lillie wished as she took a few steps back.

"Boldore, I choose you!" Olivia shouted as she threw a pokeball and her pokemon came out. "Racky, are you ready?!" I threw Rackys pokeball, and out she came. "Araqua!" I looked at Boldore. I knew what kind of pokemon it was, because an aunt I had in the Kalos region had one. I took out Rotom anyway, though, just so I could get some information about Boldore.
"Boldore," it explained, "the ore pokemon, and the evolved form of Roggenrola. There is too much energy in its body, so as a result, it overflows, leaks out, and hardens into orange crystals. Even though boldores head always points in the same direction, it can still move sideways and backwards quickly."
"Alright, Racky, lets do this. Use bubble beam!" "Boldore, mud-slap!" Boldore lifted its two front legs, then slammed them on the ground as two brown geysers of mud burst out of the ground. They sent Racky flying, but the spider pokemon came back down and shot a blast of bubbles at boldore. I was surprised at how much damage Racky dealt, considering she was the weakest in my team so far. "Alright, Boldore, next up, heatbutt!" "Racky, bubble beam again!" Boldore charged into Racky, who slid back from the move, but then used bubble beam again, making Boldore faint.
"Not bad," Olivia admitted as she returned Boldore. She gave me a determined grin as she pulled out another pokemon. "But do you know how to deal with my next pokemon? Nosepass, go!" "I'm sure this battle will be easy," I shrugged. "I mean, after all, I have three water types including Racky. Now, Racky, bubble beam one more time!" "Nosepass, thunder wave now!" Racky used the move, but Nosepass dodged the glowing bubbles. It covered itself in electricity and then released some of it around Racky.
"Racky, hang in there and use infestation!" When Racky tried to move, sparks of electricity came out of her water bubble. Racky's been paralyzed, I figured out. I was in for a huge surprise when Olivia ordered the next move. "Now, Nosepass, spark!" Olivias pokemon, cloaked in electricity, charged into Racky, making her faint. This might be harder than I thought it would be, I thought as I returned Racky to her pokeball, then sent out Spike.
"Okay, Spike, teach Nosepass a lesson with scald!" "Nosepass, use spark again!" Spike hit Nosepass, but the latters attack also hit Spike, which almost knocked him out. Okay, so my water types do damage to Nosepass...I thought. But Nosepass also has two electric type moves. So then...if I return Spike and send in Sparky instead, he can probably defeat Nosepass.
I returned Spike to his pokeball and sent out Sparky instead. Olivia gasped when she saw who my pokemon was. "Millie...where did you find that Luxio?" she asked. "I didn't know Luxio were native to Alola!" "They're not," I corrected. "I found him as a Shinx in the daycare. Since his trainer abandoned him, I caught him."

Sparky stood in a battle stance, ready to take down Nosepass.

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