Chapter 51: Millie the mother beast

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(A/N: Millie's new form is too difficult to describe, so here is a drawing of it. Hopefully it will help you visualize her new form more easily :))

Nihilego was in control. I felt different somehow, so I looked at myself. I then figured out that I had fused with Nihilego.

 I then figured out that I had fused with Nihilego

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"Hehe...HAHAHAHA!!!" I laughed hysterically. "This sudden boost of power...I'm so powerful it hurts!" I had become one with Nihilego. I could feel myself from inside, trying desperately to fight back, but it didn't have much effect. I looked at Lusamine and waited for some instructions.
"Millie," Lusamine instructed. "Kill Lunala. Kill Lunala right now." "Yes..." I agreed, and then threw myself at Lunala. I thought I would be able to get it, but Lunala quickly got up and dodged my tackle. I jumped up and punched it, but it used a fairly large shadow ball on me. It let out a screech, then fired another shadow ball at me, which made me jump up again and kick it in the gut.
"Millie!" Yvonne called. "Stop!!!" She fell onto her knees, breaking down into tears, but I didn't care. I needed to kill Lunala, not comfort Yvonne.

It had been a while since Lunala and I started fighting. I was still kicking and throwing punches at it, and it was still using moves on me. Lunala was gradually getting weaker, but it wasn't dead yet. "Die already, dammit!!!" I shouted. I continued to throw punches at it, repeatedly punching it in the gut. One of the ultra beasts, a red, muscular bug, tried to intervene, but I batted it away with one of my arms. "Stupid pest," I muttered. "As if you can stop me."

Another half hour had passed, but Lunala still wasn't dead.
I angrily threw myself at it, wanting to kill it if it was the last thing I did. I continued to fight back from inside, but I was too powerful to be stopped.
Millie! I heard the voice of Lunala in my head. You're stronger than this! Stop trying to kill me, and snap into your senses! I ignored Lunalas request, though, and gave it a huge sucker punch to the head, making it fall to the ground. "Finally..." I muttered happily. "...FINALLY!!!" Ready to deal the final death blow, I clenched one of my fists. I then began to slam it onto the ground...
...until I was stopped by Bubble, who was weak, but determined. "Prima!" She shouted angrily. I lowered my guard a little as she continued to speak. "Prima, primarina! Primarina prim, primarina!" I put my fist on the ground, beginning to have flashbacks of Bubble.

Meeting her for the first time as a Popplio.

Protecting her against Logan, Mike, and Brandon.

Battling Spike as a wild Mareanie.

Evolving during our battle with Kahuna Hala.

The many pokemon and people we had battled after that.

Evolving into Primarina during the battle with the team skull grunts.

I was kind of begining to snap back into my senses. "Bubble..." I whispered. ""

"Millie!" Lusamine scolded. "You can have your sad, dramatic moment with that stupid Primarina later! I told you to kill Lunala!" I turned to Lusamine furiously, finally free of Nihilegos control, but still fused with it.


Just then, Nebby ran up and let out a huge roar, causing me to glow. I then felt myself explode into light.

A couple of seconds later, I fell onto the ground, weak, but finally separated from Nihilego.
I weakly looked up at Lusamine, still burning with fury. "" I spat, gasping for breath. Gathering all the strength I could, I clenched my fist and ran up to Lusamine.

"YOU MONSTER!!!" I screamed as I punched her in the gut.

Everything seemed to be going in slow motion all of a sudden. Lusamine fell to the ground, spitting out blood and saliva as she fell.
I fell as well, though; I had used up all of my remaining stamina and strength. As I heard the fuzzy cries of Yvonne, Lillie, and my pokemon, I felt myself losing my senses. Everything was blurry, I was laying on the ground, and at that point, I couldn't hear much of anything; I was extremely delirious.

I tried once to get back up, but I failed and blacked out.

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