Chapter 34: A scary battle

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After getting Rotom to give me some information about Mimikyu, I sent out Spike, since he was only a few battles away from evolving. When Spike looked at Mimikyu, he swallowed and inched backwards.

After a few minutes, Spike had finally picked up his courage. "Okay, Spike, start it off with venoshock!" Spike used the move, but when the purple globs of poison hit Mimikyu, it didn't damage it at all. Just then, the head on Mimikyus disguise tilted backwards and creeped me out a little. That must be part of its ability, I thought. That ability seems like it would be a good tool for battling. Maybe I can catch a Mimikyu when I'm done the trial?
My focus went back to the battle when I saw Mimikyu use a weird move on Spike. After that, it, too, used venoshock, taking away a little bit of Spikes health. Was that metronome? I wondered, then ordered Spike to use scald. The move hit Mimikyu and left it with a burn, but the totem pokemon wasn't finished yet. It threw itself at Spike and wrestled around with him, taking away a fair amount of health. Mimikyu had used play rough.
"Now, Spike, poison sting!" When the Mareanie tried to use the move, Mimikyu dodged and used venoshock again. So the move it used earlier was mimic, not metronome, I realized. "Spike, use scald!" Spike used the move, which hit Mimikyu, but the totem pokemon used play rough. Now, Spike had about half his health left.
I decided to try a new move Spike had learned. "Spike cannon, now!" Spike jumped into the air and shot out a bunch of glowing spikes from his blue tentacles, hitting Mimikyu a bunch of times. Mimikyu tried to use play rough again, but Spike dodged, and just as I was about to order him to use poison sting, he used a new move that left Mimikyu badly poisoned. I took out Rotom so I could ask what move that was, and I figured out it was poison jab. It was good that Spike learned a new move, because he could finally finish Mimikyu off.
"Alright, Spike, use poison jab again!" Spike lifted up one of his tentacles, then charged forward and hit Mimikyu; at the cost of some of his health, since Mimikyu also used venoshock. By the time they finished using their attacks, both pokemon were really low on health. "Okay, Spike, finish it off with venoshock!" Spike used the move, but unfortunately, Mimikyu also gathered up enough strength to use one last play rough. After using their attacks, both pokemon had fainted. I had won the battle, but Spike also needed to go to a pokemon center.

After finally opening the door, I turned to leave, but then I remembered to get the Z-crystal, which gave off a faint gleam when I found it under Mimikyus disguise. Mimikyu got up and handed it to me. I held the Z-crystal in my palm, expecting a delusion to start...

...but nothing happened. What the heck? I wondered.

Wanting to find another mimikyu for myself to catch, I stayed in the building for a little longer. I couldn't find one, though, so I reluctantly stepped outside to see Acerola. "Congratulations on completing the trial!" She cheered with a smile as I remembered the way she treated me before I went to fight Mimikyu. "I'm still mad at you for giving me attitude," I scoffed. Acerolas happiness turned into confusion. "Attitude?" She echoed, puzzled. "I didn't even step inside the building?" "Acerola, I saw you with my own eyes, and heard you with my own ears." "I swear to Arceus I was out here the whole time. You must've been seeing things." I wanted to say something else in reply, but then decided it was pointless to argue anymore.
I left to go to the pokemon center until I heard Acerolas voice again. "Millie!" I stopped and turned around. "All of your trials on this island are done. All you have to do now is fight the kahuna. Good luck!" "Thanks," I replied, "I'll need it!"

I knew that even after fighting the kahuna, I still had one more island to visit; Poni island.

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