Chapter 57: Millie Vs Yvonne

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(Sorry if this battle seems kind of rushed, I just really want to get to writing the last couple of chapters :D)

"Welcome, everyone!" Steve announced. "We are now into the semi-finals of the APL! Today, we have two lovely ladies battling each other! Standing on the left, with blonde hair and a fiery spirit, Millie Chideson from Melemele island!" I waved both my arms to the crowd as they screamed and cheered for me. "On the right side," Steve continued, "we have the cute, outgoing brunette, who is also one of Millies best friends! Ladies and gentlemen, Yvonne Bêsprites!" Yvonne waved at everyone as they cheered loudly. "Alright!" Steve shouted. "Whenever you're ready, girls!"

"Yvonne..." I spoke. "Before we start, I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for all that you've done. I never had a lot of friends as a kid, so I'm glad I met you." "Thank you, as well," Yvonne replied. "I can see that you've become quite brave and strong. Though I never went through a lot of conflict, and though I have many friends, none of them compare to you."
Yvonnes expression then changed to a determined smile. "But at the same time, I'm not going to hold back! I won't let myself lose!" "We'll see about that," I replied as I cracked my neck and pulled out a pokeball. "Now, Cobalt, I choose you!" "Lets go, Lycanroc!"
"Cobalt, lets start it off with steel wing!" "Lycanroc, use bite!" Cobalt lifted herself into the air, then dodged when Lycanroc tried to attack. She flew around the stadium quickly, her left wing glowing, as Lycanroc tried to catch up to her. After about a minute, Lycanroc collapsed on the ground so he could catch his breath, causing Cobalt to take advantage of Lycanrocs state and attack.
"Good job, Cobalt. Now use metal claw!" "Lycanroc, counter!" Cobalt sprang up and began zooming around the stadium again. When Lycanroc saw her, he tried to throw a punch at her, but missed and got hit by metal claw. He tried to get up, but failed and fainted. One down, five to go.
"Pyukumuku, lets go!" It had been a little while since I had seen Yvonnes Pyukumuku. The small pokemon braced itself, ready for whatever was coming at it.
"Cobalt, use air slash!" "Quick, Pyukumuku, attract!" Cobalt flew forward as Pyukumuku tried to use attract. It didn't work, though, so Cobalt continued to fly forward, and then used her move.
"Now, Cobalt, metal claw!" "Pyukumuku, use counter!" The two pokemon jumped forward, collided, and used their attacks, but in the end, it was Cobalt who fainted.
"Lets go, Sparky!" Sparky took one look at Pyukumuku and knew he was going to win this match. "Sparky, use thunder fang!" "Pyukumuku, attract!" Pyukumuku winked, and two pink, glowing hearts came floating towards him. Remembering what happened when he was a Luxio on Akala island, I quickly ordered him to dodge. The Luxray sprang over to the left side and landed a huge blow on Pyukumuku, causing it to faint. This battle isn't taking as long as I thought it would, I observed as I saw Yvonne return Pyukumuku.
"Okay, Cinccino, I choose you!" "Cin, cinccino!" Cinccino stepped forward, a worried look on her face, but then sighed in relief. She's probably relieved she doesn't have to fight Gabe, I guessed, remembering when she blushed at him during my trial with Sophocles.
"Sparky, use ice fang!" "Cinccino, swift!" As Sparky ran forward, getting prepared to use his attack, Cinccino swished the white parts of her fur around, causing her to summon a bunch of golden stars. She then swung a white part of her fur to the left, causing the stars to go for Sparky. He was fast, but the stars slowed him down significantly. He still managed to land a blow on Cinccino, but both pokemon lost half their health in the process.

"Kommo-o, lets go!" "Gabe, I choose you!" It had been a while since we started battling. Now, both of us were down to our last pokemon. Sparky had defeated Cinccino, but then got defeated by Yvonnes Alolan Raichu.

Now, it was time to see who would be moving on, and who would be going home.
"Kommo-o, start it with dragon claw!" "Gabe, you use dragon claw as well!" The two pokemon collided and used their attacks vigorously, each of them roaring in rage. While Gabe lost a good chunk of health, Kommo-o barely lost any.
"Okay, Gabe, use dual chop!" "Kommo-o, dragon tail!" Gabe tried to use the move, but he got flung away with dragon tail. Now, Gabe was really low on health. Crap...I thought. What am I supposed to do? Just then, I got an idea.
I shined my key stone on the collar of my shirt, getting prepared to mega evolve Gabe.
"Mega evolution, huh?" Yvonne commented as she pulled out a light blue Z-crystal and put it on her Z-ring. "If you're going to use mega evolution, I'm going to use a Z-move!" "Okay," I agreed.
I then touched my keystone with my pointer finger and my middle finger. Gabes choker began to glow. "Gabe!" I shouted. "Lets mega evolve!" The glowing spread to Gabes body as he began to change his appearance. His back fin grew bigger, and the claws on the tips of his arms became bigger and more flat.
When Gabe finished mega evolving, I ordered him to use a move while Yvonne started making the pose for Kommo-os Z-move. "Gabe! Dragon rage!" Gabe stepped forward and got ready to use the move. At the same time, Yvonne got ready to use her Z-move.
"Now! Kommo-o!" She shouted. "CLANGOROUS SOULBLAZE!" The two pokemon charged at each other, each using their moves. Gabe couldn't stand the sound that Clangorous soulblaze was making, but he tried to ignore it.
When the dragons finished using their attacks, the dust cleared, and I saw the two pokemon still standing up. Kommo-o only stayed up for a few seconds before collapsing sideways.
A few seconds later, Gabe did the same as he reverted back to his original form. "Both pokemon have fainted!" Steve announced. "Both trainers are now out of pokemon, but Kommo-o fainted first, which means Millie is our winner!" The cheers and screams from the audience flooded my ears as I heard what Steve had to say next. "Because of Yvonnes defeat, Millie will be moving up to the finals tomorrow! Look forward to it!"

Before we left, Yvonne ran up and hugged me really tight. Judging by her sniffing and sobbing, I could tell that she was crying.
"Millie..." she whispered softly. "Thank you for battling me. I'll be there tomorrow to watch you in the finals. But...after that...I'm not sure if we'll be able to see each other again for quite some time." Yvonne released the hug, then looked at me again, anger in her eyes.
"I swear..." Yvonne continued in a lower, harsher tone. "If you lose your last battle......dammit, I don't even know what I'm gonna do!!!" As she shouted the second part of her sentence, she shook her head vigorously as tears went flying everywhere, then hugged me tightly again. As I hugged her back, I muttered a reply.

"Don't worry. I can't lose, and I won't lose."

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