Chapter 22: I caught a pokemon!

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I wandered around through the tall grass in Brooklet hill, waiting for a pokemon to come out. I was almost ready to do Lanas trial, but I knew very well that I needed more than just Duskull and my newly evolved Torracat on my team. As stupid as it sounded, I had actually never caught a pokemon before, even though I knew how. Duskull was given to me by my uncle, and Gabby caught Litten for me about two years ago.

I was nine years old. It was a beautiful summer day, and I was outside with Gabby, who was fourteen at the time. "C'mon, sis!" I begged. "PLEASE can you teach me how to catch a pokemon? I mean, I'm almost old enough to be a trainer!" "Okay, okay," Gabby sighed, smiling. "We've got to find some tall grass, though. There's some near Millies house, follow me." "Millie?" I asked. "You mean that freak from Sinnoh who came to my school two years ago? Eek!" "Logan, be nice," Gabby confronted. "She's lonely, and her parents are divorced, so show her some sympathy."

Soon, we were in the tall grass near Millies house. As we crept through the grass, I wished my house wasn't so close to hers.
Suddenly, a black cat pokemon shot out of the grass. "That's a Litten!" Gabby exclaimed. "Wow, I never expected to run into something like this!" "Mrrow!" Litten mewed, ready to battle. Gabby sent a butterfly pokemon out of her pokeball. "Mike and Brandon told me you have to lower a pokemons health before catching it," I reminded. "I know," Gabby replied with a smile. "Now, Butterfree, start it off with sleep powder!" A blue stream of dust came out of Butterfrees mouth, making Litten drop to the ground and fall asleep. So she put it to sleep first, I thought. Clever.
"Now, Butterfree, use silver wind!" "Freeee!!!" Butterfree summoned a bunch of wind blade things at Litten. I thought it would wake up from the attack, but it didn't.
Just then, Gabby pulled out a pokeball. "Now that I've lowered Littens health and put it to sleep," Gabby explained, "It'll be easier to catch. Now I can throw the pokeball. Pokeball, go!" With that, Gabby threw the pokeball at Litten. "Now you have to wait," Gabby continued. "When the pokeball shakes three times, and you hear a click after that, it means you've caught the pokemon." I watched closely.
"Yes!" Gabby muttered as she went over to get her newly caught pokemon. "Great job, Butterfree. Return!" After Gabby returned Butterfree, she looked at me.
"Logan...I actually want you to have Litten." She couldn't be serious? Even considering how rare it was to find a Litten in the wild? "Y-you're serious???" I asked. "Yep," Gabby replied with a cheerful smile. "It's yours." With that, she placed Littens pokeball in my palm. "Take good care of him-or, I mean, her. Litten's a girl." "Aweh!" I cheered. "Thanks so much, Gab! You're the best!"

I wonder how Millie's doing, I wondered. Maybe her Popplio evolved...
My thoughts were interrupted when a yellow pokemon jumped out of the grass. I took out my pokedex so I could see what kind of pokemon it was. "Psyduck," it explained, "the duck pokemon. As a result of headaches so painful they cause it to cry, it sometimes uses its psychic powers accidentally." "Awesome," I commented as I got prepared to send out Duskull. "Now, Duskull,"-I threw Duskulls pokeball-"use confuse ray!" "Dusk, duskull!" It shouted as it leapt out of its pokeball. "Duuuskull!" Duskull then summoned six glowing yellow balls and shot them at Psyduck, who immediately started staggering around. Psyduck used water gun, but it shot it in the complete opposite direction due to confusion, making me laugh at its stupidity.
"Shadow ball, now!" Duskull shot a ghostly purple ball at the confused Psyduck. After that, I pulled out a pokeball and threw it at Psyduck. "Now! Go, pokeball!"
My third pokemon! I picked up Psyducks pokeball, nudging it. I then returned Duskull, put it and Psyducks pokeball in my backpack, then began to walk to the pokemon center.

I was finally ready for my trial with Lana!

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