Chapter 33: The supermarket scare

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A couple of days after the incident at Aether Paradise, I was ready to do my next trial. I was riding a Sharpedo, who I had befriended, across the water to get to my next trial site, and at the same time racing Bubble, who was out of her pokeball. The small waves splashed in my face as Sharpedo broke the boulders that were in the way. I kind of envied Bubble for being able to jump over the boulders and into the water, unlike Sharpedo.

Pretty soon, we had made it to shore, and Bubble had won the race. "Thanks, Sharpedo," I pet its head with a smile, then watched as it swam away from me. Some of my hair was wet, so I wrung it out while listening to Bubble gloat over her victory. "Prima primarina!"
"Hi!" I suddenly heard a cute voice, then turned around and saw a short girl with purple hair and a ripped, patched-up dress. "I'm Acerola! And you are?" "Millie," I answered. "Good to meet you!" Acerola greeted with a smile as we shook hands. "That's a cool Primarina you have there!" "Thanks! Her name's Bubble." "So, I'm a trial captain. I specialize in ghost types." "Okay, where's your trial site?" "Follow me and I'll show you." With that, I followed the young girl.

Soon, we ended up at an abandoned supermarket, Thrifty Megamart. I remembered there being one in Hau'oli city; it was near my school, and Mom and I would shop there all the time. There was a Hypno who hung out there all the time and asked for money, though, which we found creepy. Whenever it asked for money, Mom would usually yell at it, or sometimes even slap it across the face.
"Are you sure this is the right place...?" I asked Acerola. "I mean, we shouldn't go in here. It looks creepy, and besides, we would be trespassing." "Millie, just trust me," Acerola reassured. "For this trial, I need you to use your Rotom pokedex to take pictures of some ghost type pokemon." "That's it?" I asked, a little surprised at how easy this trial would be. "What about the totem pokemon?" "You'll find it," Acerola replied.
I let Rotom out of my fanny pack. "Hey, Millie! Zrrt!" "Hi, Rotom," I replied. "Sorry I don't use you often, but could you help me take some pictures of the ghost type pokemon?" "Of course!" Rotom replied. "Under one condition, though: you let me stay in your backpack instead of that cramped fanny pack." "Haha! Okay, buddy." With that, I put Rotom in the front pocket of my backpack, then walked inside.

By going into the building, I figured out how much of a scaredy cat I can be sometimes. So far I had only taken a picture of a gastly, but Rotom had been firing up the camera randomly, and there was this Pikachu who I had been following for some reason. Things were also moving around or floating randomly. I wanted to leave if it was the last thing I did.
Pretty soon, I had followed Pikachu to the back of the building, and I had taken two more pictures; one of a Haunter and one of a Gengar.
Just then, I spotted a pair of doors; Acerola was standing in front of it for some reason. "This place is dangerous," she muttered. "You should give up on this trial and leave." "What?" I asked. "But what about-" "I said get out," Acerola interrupted. "Just leave." "I'm not done yet!" "Get out!" "Acerola!" "GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT!!!!" "I said no!" "Fine! You'll regret it." With that, Acerola ran out of the building. What's her problem? I wondered as I opened the door and went inside.
The room was really small, and I didn't find anything in there. Just as I turned around to leave, the doors shut by themselves with a loud slam. I tried opening them, but I was locked in. I kicked the door and yelled for help to try and get someone to hear me; I was beginning to feel claustrophobic.
Suddenly, Rotom came out of my backpack and fired up the camera.
"Rotom, not now," I mumbled as I wiped some sweat off of my forehead. "Zrrt, I can't turn it off!" Rotom told me; it was pretty frightened, too. "My body won't let me for some reason!" Just then, I heard a weird-sounding cry, so I looked through the camera to see if I could find anything. I nearly passed out when I saw the Pikachu; except it wasn't a Pikachu. It was actually another pokemon wearing a cloth that made it look like a Pikachu. Rotom went back into my backpack, and I heard what the pokemon, Mimikyu had to say.

"Seeeeeeee meeeeeeeee???"

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