Chapter 40: Poni island

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After staying on the boat for about a day and a half, Lillie, Yvonne and I finally got off, all of us exhausted. "It's sunset," Lillie commented. "We should find a place to eat...and then go to a pokemon center." "Good idea," I agreed, but then stopped when I saw a slip of paper on a nearby billboard. I went up to the billboard and read what the paper had to say.

Up for a challenge? Are your trials finished, or nearly finished? If so, come and compete in the Pokemon League! It will be taking place on the top of Mt. Lanakila, where trainers will battle to victory! It will be taking place three weeks from now, so if you would like to compete, please speak to Nurse Joy in any pokemon center. The deadline for entering the Pokemon League is two weeks from now.

"What is it?" Yvonne inquired. "It's about the Pokemon League," I replied. "We have to speak to Nurse Joy if we want to register. We'll eat first, though, and then register."

Later, the three of us came back to the pokemon center and went inside. "Hi, Nurse Joy," Yvonne greeted. "Millie and I would like to register for the Pokemon League, please." "Okay," Nurse Joy agreed, "but you must read the requirements first. They're posted on a piece of paper on the right." I looked to my right, then began reading the paper.

Requirements to enter the pokemon league:
-The trainer must have at least three pokemon.
-All of the trainers trials must be finished, or almost finished.
-The trainer must be over the age of ten.
-No legendary or mythical pokemon are allowed.

"We'll start off with you, Millie," Nurse Joy started. "What is your full name?" "Millie Cynthia Chideson-Webb." "How many pokemon do you have right now?" "Five." "How many trials do you have left?" "One, I think." "How old are you?" "Eleven." "Thank you. I will submit only your name, because everything else can be changed before or when the league starts. Now it's your turn, Yvonne."
As Yvonne went up and started answering the questions, Lillie and I found a room in the pokemon center to stay in. I let all of my pokemon out of their pokeballs, and before I knew it, Yvonne found our room and let out her pokemon, too.
It kind of made me happy to see Yvonnes pokemon again, because I had not seen them for some time. I watched as her midnight Lycanroc became fast friends with Sparky, and as her Minccino slowly walked up to Gabe, blushing. I then noticed another one of Yvonnes pokemon, who was standing on its tail and floating around as if it were surfing. I knew right away that her Pikachu had evolved into an Alolan Raichu.

" there a kahuna on this island?" I asked Lillie. "No," she replied. "Poni island is a place with lots of wildlife and pokemon, so Seafolk Village is the only town on this island, and the only place with a pokemon center. Also...would it be okay if we go to the Ruins of Hope tomorrow? I want to see if it has what Nebby is looking for." "Okay," I agreed.

That night, I lay in bed tossing and turning since I had a hard time falling asleep. I couldn't help but wonder if Lillie and Nebby were okay.

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