Chapter 32: The second goal

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I was awoken the next day by a cool breeze blowing in through a window. I got out of bed with a small yawn, then stretched and got dressed.
I made my bed, left the room and then went outside only to see Lillie, except she was wearing different clothes. Instead of a white dress, she had a white short sleeved hoodie and a short white skirt with a light blue line on the end of it. Her hair also looked different; her hat was gone, so she wore her hair in a ponytail tied together with a braid. The bag she kept Nebby in was replaced by a pink backpack.
"Oh! Good morning, Millie!" Lillie greeted as I stared in awe at her beauty. Suddenly she didn't seem so shy anymore. "These are some clothes...that I got when we were in Malie city. I...probably don't look all that great. I'll change back into my regular clothes later..." "Are you kidding?" I asked. "You look amazing! You look far better in those clothes than you did in your old ones!" "C'mon, don't really mean it, do you?" "Of course I mean it! You look beautiful!" "In that case...thank you!"

Pretty soon, we were on a boat, on the way back to Ula'ula island. Wicke was driving the boat, while I sat in between Lillie and Gladion. Lillie was on my right, while Gladion was on my left. "Millie," Gladion spoke. "Yeah?" "When we had a battle for the first time, I thought you were just someone who would get in the way. But, though we may not be friends, I've realized how strong and brave you are." Gladions words made me blush a little.
"Although," Gladions tone changed, "you do need to get stronger. We all do, if we want to save mother-or, should I say Lusamine." "I'm aware," I agreed. "After I complete the next trial and beat the kahuna on Ula'ula, I only have one island left to go to." "Good," Gladion remarked, "in that case, as soon as we get back, you need to prepare for your next trial."

When Wicke dropped us off at Malie city, the three of us went our separate ways. I met up with Yvonne, who attacked me with questions. Now, I had two goals to complete at the same time.

One was to teach my mother that not all pokemon are dangerous, and the other was to help Lillie and Gladion save Lusamine and get Nebby back to normal.

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