Chapter 9: Finishing with pride!

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The glowing stopped, and Bubble looked completely different; she looked a lot more feminine. She had grown by about a foot, and her colour had become sky blue. There were what looked like three white tutus around her torso. Her cute pink nose was smaller which made me a little upset, but I was glad Bubble was stronger now. Rotom came out of my fanny pack and scanned Bubble.
"Brionne," it explained, "the pop star pokemon. Even when it is sad, Brionne will never express its emotions unless it has a close bond with its trainer." "Amazing!" I commented with a smile. "Now, Bubble, disarming voice!" "Crabrawler, use power up punch!" As Bubble let out a loud screech, Crabrawler slammed into her. Bubble was pinned down, but I could tell she wasn't ready to give up. "Power up punch, one more time!" "Water gun, go!" As Crabrawler began to try and punch Bubble, a blast of water shot out of her mouth, pushing Crabrawler away. Once the pokemon was off of her, Bubble continued to use her attack; this forced Crabrawler to try and block Bubbles attack. Just then, Bubble stopped using her attack, then jumped behind Crabrawler quickly. I watched closely as it looked for its opponent. Then, Bubble used water gun again, making Crabrawler slam into a tree and faint. I had won the battle! Hala hung his head and returned Crabrawler to its pokeball, then walked up to me.
"You have done well," he praised, "your pokemon are quite strong. I hope this Fightinium Z will help you if you catch a fighting type pokemon." I took the Z-Crystal from Halas palm.

The second I took it, I saw myself battling against who seemed like the strongest trainer. The battle sounds rattled through my ears as I saw myself order a move for Bubble. She was dodging all of her opponents attacks quite gracefully, and quickly using her moves.

"Good luck on the next island," Halas words interrupted my strange delusion. "Next island?" I echoed. "You mean there are more totem pokemon and kahunas to fight?" My question made Hala chuckle. "Of course there are!" He replied with a smile. "Just fighting me and a Gumshoos isn't enough to enter the pokemon league! You need to be much stronger, Millie! The next island you need to go to is Akala island. Good luck!" "I understand," I replied as I returned Bubble to her pokeball. "Thank you, Hala!" I then headed to the pokemon center.

I had spent the next week and a half training Bubble and Spike, because I knew I needed to become stronger before going to Akala island. Now, we were at the boat port getting ready to leave. I had decided to let both my pokemon out of their pokeballs for the time we were on the boat.
Just as I stepped on the boat, I realized that I was leaving my home island, which I had never done before. I realized that I probably wasn't going to see my mother again until after I challenged the pokemon league. Please, Arceus, I prayed, keep my mother safe while I'm gone.

When the boat began to move, I realized that I was doing what I've always wanted to do, but was never allowed to; exploring new places.

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