Chapter 37: Down with dark types

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The next day, I got some breakfast, healed my pokemon, then started to walk to the boat port, where Nanu was waiting to battle me.
Just then, I ran into Lillie. "Good morning, Millie," she greeted. "Are you going to fight the kahuna?" "Yep," I confirmed with a determined smile, "I love the smell of a good battle in the morning." "Well, be sure you have some bug, fighting or fairy types with you," Lillie reminded. "Kahuna Nanu uses dark types." "Don't sweat it, Lillie. I have a fairy type and a bug type." "Who are they?" "Bubble and Racky." "Right. Okay, good luck!" With that, I began to walk away.
"Oh, one more thing!" Lillie called. I turned around, wondering what she needed. "I...I have something to show you after your battle. Could you please meet me in Malie Library when you're done with Nanu?" "Sure thing," I agreed. "See you later, Lillie!"

Before I knew it, I was facing Nanu. "Okay, Millie, are you ready?" He asked as he pulled out a pokeball. "Anytime you are," I replied.
"Alright then," Nanu spoke. "Sableye, time for a battle." With that, he threw his pokeball into the air, and out came a small purple pokemon with jewels as eyes. "Racky, let's go!" I threw Rackys pokeball into the air, and my huge pokemon came out, ready to battle. "Araqua!"
"Racky, we've gotta win this. Start it with crunch!" "Sableye, use fake out." As Racky and Sableye ran towards each other, ready to use their moves, Sableye clapped its hands, stopping Racky from using her move. "Racky, try using crunch again!" "Sableye, shadow ball." Sableye shot a ghostly purple ball at Racky, who slid back from the impact of the attack, but then used crunch. Sableye was seriously hurt, but it was ready for more.
"Now, Racky, Bubble beam!" "Sableye, use power gem." Racky used her attack, and at the same time, a redish pink beam of light came out from Sableyes gem on its chest. The two beams collided for a few minutes, but Sableye jumped up like a ninja and hit Racky with power gem, while dodging bubble beam. Clever, I thought.
"Racky, use crunch!" "Sableye, shadow ball." Sableye launched a huge shadow ball at Racky, but the spider pokemon gave Sableye a taste of its own medicine by dodging, then using crunch. Sableye fell and landed on its stomach, showing defeat. After Nanu returned Sableye, he looked up at me with a small smirk.

"Your strength is surprising," he commented. "It's gotten my enthusiasm up a little. Now, Krokorok, let's go!" With that, Nanu sent out a light brown crocodile pokemon with dark gray stripes and a pink belly. "Krok!"
"Krokorok, start it with swagger." "Racky, bug bite!" Before Racky could use her move, Krokorok began to glow red, which made Racky infuriated for some reason. She charged towards Krokorok, but kept going in different directions as she ran. Finally, she just barely hit Krokorok as I realized she was confused. "Now, Krokorok, crunch!" "Racky, bubble beam!" Racky tried to attack, but she succumbed to her confusion and hurt herself, attacking in the opposite direction. Krokorok slammed into Racky and used crunch, making the Araquanid fall over. I could tell Racky was hanging by a thread for health now. She slowly got back up and shook her head fiercely.

"Okay, Racky, crunch!" "Krokorok, you use crunch, too." Both pokemon dashed foreward and bit each other hard, their grip tightening every second until both of them collapsed. I had taken out another one of Nanus pokemon, but at the cost of one of my trump cards for this battle.
Nanu and I both returned our pokemon, then got prepared to send out another. "You've made me even more enthusiastic," Nanu commented, making his smile bigger. "I only have one pokemon left. Can you win this? Now, Persian, I choose you!" "Lets go, Bubble!" The two pokemon came out of their pokeballs. "Perrrsian!" "Marina!"
Before ordering Bubble to use a move, I took a look at Persian. Its face was round, and its fur was blueish gray. It had a sky blue gem on its forehead.
"Lets do this, Bubble. Aqua jet!" "Persian, fake out!" Bubble, cloaked in water, charged forward, but Persian ran up and clapped its two front paws together, stopping Bubble from using her attack. Just then, I saw Nanu making a weird pose. With horror, I realized that he was using a Z-Move. I watched as Persian braced itself and began to glow with Z-power.
"Persian!" Nanu cried. "Black hole eclipse!" With that, Persian gathered as much dark energy as it could, and created a black hole with it, causing Bubble to be sucked in. Then, Persian jumped in, and I began to hear Bubble screaming in pain. She's never been attacked by a Z-move, I realized.
Just then, her and Persian came out of the black hole, making it close. Bubble was hurt, but not very badly, surprisingly. I wasn't the only one who was surprised, for Nanus eyes were wide with shock. "Okay, Bubble, sing!" Bubble began to sing a beautiful melody, making Persian fall asleep. I got a little drowsy, too, but then I wondered if it was because I didn't fall asleep until 4:30 in the morning last night.
Regardless, I had a battle to win. "Now, sparkling aria!" As Nanu sprayed Persian with an awakening, Bubble began to sing again, and summoned a stream of bubbles. Persian awoke as soon as one of the bubbles popped on it. "Persian, lets finish this. Dark pulse!" "Bubble, use disarming voice!" Persian opened its mouth and swung its head back, revealing a black orb sitting in its mouth. As Persian shot a bunch of black and purple circles out from its mouth, Bubble let out a huge screech. Both pokemon got hurt from the attacks, but it was Persian who fainted.
"Great job, Millie," Nanu complimented as he handed me a black Z-crystal. "This is a Darkium Z. You have now completed all of the trials on Ula'ula island. The only island you have to visit now is Poni island. Before you go, though, I believe your friend wanted to show you something in the library." "I'm aware," I confirmed as I took the Z-Crystal. "Thanks again, Nanu." I then began to walk to Malie Library.
This is so weird, I thought. I haven't had a delusion after getting a Z-Crystal since completing Sophocles' trial. Is there something going on?

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