Chapter 27: Double trouble!

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Ah, the weather is so nice, I thought as I looked out my window in the Exeggutor Express, which was a bus that took people to Hokulani Observatory, the next trial site. Bubble, Sparky and Spike were out of their pokeballs, but Racky wasn't, because she would take up too much room if she did.
Just then, I began to worry about the trial. Yvonne told me it was an electric type trial, I thought, but...I have four pokemon on my team, and three of them are water types. And at the same time, Bubble and Sparky are close to evolving. How am I going to get through this?

Soon, I was off of the bus, and everyone was back in their pokeballs. I had been dropped off at a pokemon center near the trial site, so I began to step inside the pokemon center until I heard a shriek. That doesn't sound like a human scream...I thought. That must be a pokemon! I then saw a dark blue dragon pokemon running away from something. There was blood smeared all over it, and it tripped, but it quickly got back up and kept running.
I then saw two Team Skull grunts, both boys, chasing after the pokemon; one grunt with a Golbat and the other with a Salandit.
I quickly began to follow the grunts and the pokemon down the road. "Salandit! Flame burst!" I heard one grunt order. Salandit obeyed and belched out a ball of fire, then spat it at the pokemon, making it fall onto the middle of the road. I saw as it slowly tried to get up, but then I heard something. I took a closer look at the road and noticed a huge truck; it was heading straight for the pokemon.
The truck continued to roar down the road, seconds away from hitting the pokemon. Before the pokemon could get hit, I threw myself at it and just barely avoided the truck. I looked at the pokemon, who was whimpering and shaking in fear. "It's okay, buddy," I reassured as I stroked its head, "you're safe now."
Suddenly, Rotom came out of my fanny pack. "Gabite," it explained, "the cave pokemon, and the evolved form of Gible. It sheds its skin and grows larger over time. Its scales are extremely useful, because they can be ground into powder and used as raw materials for medicine. This one is a male." "You poor thing..." I muttered. "Lets take you to a pokemon center." As I picked up Gabite and carried him like a baby, I gave the two grunts a scowl.

"So you saw him getting tortured by Team Skull grunts?" Nurse Joy asked as I saw an Audino and a Blissey take Gabite into another room. "Yes," I confirmed. "He also would've got hit by a truck if I didn't jump in and save him." "Dear Arceus..." Nurse Joy muttered, "some people need to learn. Anyways, it's probably going to take a bit of time to get Gabite back to normal; he's in shock, and one of his injuries requires stitches. If you want to do something else while you wait, you can." "Okay. Thank you, Nurse Joy, I appreciate it." With that, I left the pokemon center, but stopped when I saw that the two grunts were standing in front of the entrance.
"Keep your filthy hands off of Gabite," I threatened angrily. "Yo, we ain't here for Gabite," the first grunt, the one with the Salandit corrected. "We're here for you, yeah, ain't that right?" The second grunt, the one with the Golbat added. Why are they after me, though? I wondered. "Well," I spoke. "If you really need me that badly, you're going to have to defeat me first. A single battle would be too easy, so lets take this outside and have a double battle. Though, even with a double battle, I doubt you'll be much of a challenge for me."

Boy, how wrong I was. I didn't think they'd stand a chance against me, but with one fire type move, that sneaky Salandit somehow knocked out Spike and Racky, so right now I was left with Sparky and Bubble.
"Okay, Sparky, start it with thunder fang on Golbat, and Bubble, use aqua jet on Salandit!" "Quick, Salandit! Double team!" "You too, Golbat!" Bubble and Sparky threw themselves at the two pokemon, but at the same time, Salandit and Golbat both created a bunch of clones of themselves. Sparky and Bubble ended up each hitting one of the doppelgangers.
"Salandit, use flame burst on the Brionne!" "Golbat, steel wing on Luxio!" Idiots, I thought, and then ordered Bubble to use water gun on Salandit and for Sparky to use spark on Golbat. When they tried to hit the pokemon, though, they missed and ended up each hitting a clone from double team again. Salandit and Golbat then used their attacks on my two pokemon. Even though the attacks weren't supposed to be effective, for some reason Sparky and Bubble just barely managed to get back up. What the heck are those pokemon made of? I wondered. It doesn't make sense! How can a fire type move nearly knock out my water type???
"You're weak," The grunt with the Golbat scoffed. "Golbat, finish that luxio off with steel wing." "Salandit, do the same with flame burst for Brionne." The two pokemon used their attacks, but both Sparky and Bubble dodged.

Just then, they both began to glow.

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