Chapter 7: The Z-Ring

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Ever so slowly, I picked up the smooth white crystal, which gave me a sense of hope and determination as I held it in my palm and stared at the gray circle in it.
I turned around to see Ilima. "What's this crystal?" I inquired. "That's a Normalium Z," he answered. "You can use it to use normal type Z-moves." "Z-moves?" "Lets go to the pokemon center. I'll explain it to you there. Your Mareanie looks pretty shaken up, anyway, so why not?" "Okay. Spike, return!"

At the pokemon center in Hau'oli city, Ilima explained to me what Z-moves were, and he even gave me this thing called a Z-ring, which in my opinion should've been called a Z-bracelet, since you wear it on your wrist instead of your finger.
"So...what's next?" I asked Ilima after healing Spike. "Next, you battle the island kahuna, Hala," Ilima explained. "You're going to have to go to Iki town to battle him." "Alright," I agreed, "but I'll battle him tomorrow. It's getting late now, so I'll probably just go to Iki town and find some place to stay for the night." "Okay. Good luck tomorrow!" "Thanks!" With that, I waved goodbye to Ilima and started to walk to Iki town.

Just a few minutes after leaving Hau'oli city, I noticed I was passing my house. My stomach went into a knot as I wondered how Mom felt about me leaving her. I looked through the window and saw her cooking what looked like soup. She then pulled out some pokemon food and two dishes. Why would she need pokemon food? I wondered. Then, to my surprise, a tiny Rockruff and an Alolan Vulpix jumped up on the dining room table, impatiently waiting for their dinner. Has she finally realized that not all pokemon are dangerous? I wondered. Just then, I saw her walking towards the window. I darted away; I didn't want to be seen by her, nor did I want to get in trouble. As I hid in a bush, I saw Mom step outside and place the food dishes next to our front steps. The Rockruff and Vulpix happily dug in as I realized my prediction was wrong. Would Mom ever figure out that not all pokemon are dangerous?

The next day, I woke up and stretched. Rays of sunlight shone on my sleeping bag; I had decided to camp under a huge tree near Iki town. Bubble was curled up next to my sleeping bag while Spike, who was lightly snoring, was leaning on one of the roots. I lightly shook them awake, then gave them some pokemon food, while I ate a ham sandwich I had forgotten to eat at school for lunch a couple of days ago.

After breakfast was done, I put Bubble and Spike into their pokeballs. I walked around Iki town for a bit when suddenly I bumped into someone. "Uh...sorry, sir!" I apologized. The person turned around; he was an elderly, potbellied man with tanned skin and a blue shirt. This has to be Hala, I realized.
"You must be Millie," he spoke in a rough tone. "Y-Yes, sir," I confirmed, "Millie Chideson." "Ilima phoned me last night and told me about you, and how you completed his trial. If you've completed his trial, you must be ready for the grand trial; battling me. Do you think you're ready, Millie?"

I tightened my ponytail pridefully. "Yes, sir."

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