Chapter 11: The non-native pokemon

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(Omg...100 reads already??? Thank you so much! I didn't think I would get this many reads! You are all awesome! :D)

My day with Yvonne yesterday was awesome. Not only did I do a bunch of fun stuff with her, but I had also learned that she wanted to be in the pokemon league as well.
That aside, today I planned to go to Paniola Town with Bubble and Spike; the reason I wanted to go was because I wanted to check out the daycare and the ranch that was there. Before leaving, Yvonne told me that the next trial captain specialized in water types, so I figured I could catch a grass type or an electric type when I visited Paniola Ranch.

Soon, we had made it to Paniola Town. After buying some potions, I walked through some tall grass, all my senses alert. But nothing seemed to be coming out, so I gave up and began to walk to Paniola Ranch. Suddenly, a brown pokemon shot out of the grass, so Rotom came out of my fanny pack and scanned it.
"Mudbray," it explained, "the donkey pokemon. Mudbray is very strong for its size, and can carry up to 50 times its own weight. If its trainer doesn't allow it to frolic in the mud, Mudbray will become stressed and disobedient." As Bubble went forward, Mudbray jumped into the air and used stomp on Bubble, who then used aqua jet. Since Mudbrays health was low now, I threw a pokeball at it.
The pokeball broke into a million little shards as Mudbray backed up. To make it worse, it ran away. Dammit!

Soon, I found myself at Paniola Ranch. I sprayed a potion on the wounds Bubble received from battling Mudbray, then looked at the pokemon who were playing happily in the daycare. I then spotted a skinny, light blue pokemon sitting next to a block of hay. It's fur was all messy, and it had tears in it's eyes. How come it's not playing with the other pokemon? I wondered as I knelt down.
Suddenly, it's huge ears perked up; it had noticed I was there. This reminded me of the very first day I met Bubble, when she was a skinny popplio tied up in a rope. Spike tried to move towards the fence, but I blocked him with my arm.
"Try to move slowly, so you don't scare the pokemon away," I whispered as I put my arm down. The mareanie obeyed and moved slower. I took a pokebean out of my backpack and held it out. Very slowly, the pokemon got up and walked towards me; it was taking forever, but I had patience. Finally, it was close enough that it sniffed the pokebean, then took a small nibble. "Have the whole thing," I insisted as I pulled out five more and cupped my hands to hold them. The pokemon hungrily gobbled down the beans in seconds.

"That pokemon has been here for about two days now," a plump, elderly woman explained later on. I had asked the people working at the daycare about the pokemon, who had earned enough trust from me to climb over the fence and come inside with me. It was standing beside my foot, listening to the conversation. "It's name is Shinx," the woman continued, "and it's native to Sinnoh. This one is a male, and he was abandoned by his trainer; we found him crying in a dumpster." "My Brionne was abandoned, too," I replied. "I found her tied up in a rope in Hau'oli City. It's sad how people think they can just do things like that to pokemon."

I spent the rest of the morning playing with Shinx, along with Bubble and Spike, but I realized that while playing with pokemon is fun, I also had a trial to complete.
I reluctantly said goodbye to Shinx, put Bubble and Spike into their pokeballs, then began to walk away. Just to be sure I had everything, I opened my backpack and checked to see if anything was missing. That was when Shinx ran forward and started digging in my backpack. "Shinx shi!" He found one of my pokeballs and pushed it out with his paw. He then rolled the pokeball closer to me with a determined look. When I realized that Shinx wanted me to catch him, he touched the little button in the middle of the pokeball and went into it. The pokeball shook a few times, then stopped, followed by a small click. My third pokemon! I sent Shinx out, then picked him up and hugged him.

"I'm calling you Sparky," I told him, "and I'll take much better care of you than your previous trainer did."

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