Chapter 25: Sparky versus Nosepass

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Sparky stepped forward, ready to face Nosepass.
"Okay, Sparky," I ordered, "lets begin with ice fang!" "Quick, Nosepass, rock slide!" Nosepass began to glow, and at the same time I saw rocks falling from the sky. As Sparky ran over to use ice fang, he was crushed by one of the rocks, but he kicked it off with his hind legs, then used the move.

Olivia and I had been battling for a long time now. "Sparky, tackle!" "Nosepass, use spark to try and push Sparky away!" Sparky tried to throw himself onto Nosepass, but it dodged, used spark, and caused Sparky to slide back a little. "Now, Sparky, use spark!" "Nosepass, use rock slide to slow Sparky down!" Rocks fell from the sky again, but Sparky, being nimble and quick, dodged them and charged into Nosepass, who fell on its back and fainted. "Nosepass!" Olivia encouraged. "Get up!" Nosepass did nothing; it was defeated.
"You're not a bad trainer," Olivia admitted as she returned Nosepass. "But I still have one more pokemon. This one is quite strong, just like your Luxio. Lycanroc, go!" Out of Olivias final pokeball came a mostly beige, quadrupedal wolf pokemon who looked very similar to a Rockruff. I then remembered Yvonnes shy Rockruff. Wondering if this was what Rockruffs evolution looked like, I took out Rotom.
"Lycanroc, the wolf pokemon, and the evolved form of Rockruff. This is its midday form. Its quick movements confuse its enemies in battle. Well equipped with claws and fangs, it also uses the sharp rocks in its mane as weapons." So my prediction was right.
Olivia continued the battle once I put Rotom away. "Now, Lycanroc, lets do this! Use rock throw!" "Sparky, thunder fang!" Rocks summoned around Lycanrocs fluffy tail, and then they went flying straight for Sparky. He dodged the rocks, then used thunder fang. "Your Luxio is fast," Olivia commented, "and that's annoying me. Now, it's time for a Z-move!" She then did a weird pose as Lycanroc got ready to use the Z-move.
"Now," Olivia shouted, "CONTINENTAL CRUSH!" At that moment, Lycanroc summoned a huge boulder. It moved the boulder, which was floating in the air, towards Sparky. "Dodge, Sparky!" I cried, not wanting a Z-move like that to defeat my pokemon. Lycanroc dropped the boulder, which crushed Sparky and broke into dust and little rock bits.
When the dust finally cleared, I saw Sparky defeated. When I tried to return him, though, he got back up, which made me remember when I did Lana's trial. I knew Sparky won because he evolved and he pushed himself, but he also got badly hurt because of that.
Sparky... I thought. I know it hurts to lose and I know you like to push yourself...but you need to learn when to admit defeat. "Lux, LUXIOOO!!!" Sparky let out a furious roar when I tried to return him. "I know, Sparky..." I sighed as I looked down. "You're one of the strongest pokemon on my team, but even strong pokemon need their rest. Return." With that, I returned Sparky and sent out Bubble.
"A Brionne, huh?" Olivia commented. "It might have the advantage, but it's nothing my rugged rock type can't handle. Lycanroc, accelerock!" "Bubble, use aqua jet!" Both pokemon began to charge into each other, with Lycanroc glowing and Bubble cloaked in water. Bubbles attack made Lycanroc tumble backwards. "Lycanroc, use bite now!" "Bubble, disarming voice!" Lycanroc charged into Bubble and snapped its jaws, but not before Bubble let out a huge screech. Lycanroc fell on its side, its ears shaking in pain from disarming voice. "Now, Bubble, use water gun while you still have the chance!" "Quick, Lycanroc, dodge it!" Lycanroc tried to dodge, but it was too late. Bubble had already let out a blast of water, knocking Lycanroc back and defeating it. "Lycanroc!!!" Olivia cried.

"Wow, Millie, you are one tough cookie," Olivia admitted with a smile. "I'm quite impressed. I hope this Z-Crystal will help you if you catch a rock type." With that, she handed me a brown Z-crystal with a rock design inside.

Just then, reality began to seep away from my senses. I saw myself climbing a huge mountain, until a rockfall suddenly began. I didn't panic too much, though; I dodged the rocks by jumping over them.

"Millie!" Olivias shout snapped me back into reality. "You were staring into space." "Sorry," I apologized. "Nah, it's good," Olivia replied. "Anyways, diamonds only sparkle after coal is pushed to its absolute limit. Keep working hard, and do everything you can to achieve your goal." "I will," I stated determinedly. "Thanks, Olivia."

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