Chapter 1

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Life. Life happens in complete opposites. We are made. We are born. Then we die. But it is in between that is the opposite. We are made from an egg and sperm neither of them has true life. Our DNA only comes in play when the two meet. It creates a unique individual that will leave a permanent mark in time.

We grow from a micro cell to flesh and bone. We live off the body we grow in till we are ready to see what life has beyond the walls we have come to know and learn anew. We start out small and fragile and no idea of the world we live in. An unforeseen future we have to discover for ourselves but in the mean time we still rely on that one person who brought us into this world.

We grow from toddler to adolescent from adolescent to teen. Where beautiful skin would stretch for miles. With bones so strong and powerful to accompany our youth. Faces that give us individuality and we thrive for a few years, but when we have become an adult, grow older, the complete opposite happens.

Like being born a fragile little thing but we just wither away. At first we don't notice the change but once we do it's subtle until we realize we are growing old. Becoming that same fragile thing that started in someone else. When we reach a certain age where we no longer can do things ourselves we then start to rely on someone else to get us through the last few years of life.

Our once beautiful and flawless skin becomes soft and thin showing how weak we are becoming. Our once strong bones become brittle, indicating in which direction we are going. Our imperfections become more noticeable and bones give in where they meet, forcing us to use aids to get by.

Then we die.

But the complete opposite doesn't end there.

From where we took, we now give. We give back to nature. What animal could not scavenge decomposes. Slowly decaying making the earth rich again to give new life. We break down bit by bit until we are bone and then to nothing. We give life out of our bodies when we have died.... We then become noting like we were born of nothing, only leaving a small imprint in time.

Once something dies the cycle start again with the same sequence. Our bodies happen in the complete opposites. From a tiny cell, growing to something strong and beautiful and then withering away until death finds us and suddenly we are all but just a memory.

But what if it can be reversed. What if the complete opposite process can be brought to a near halt? Skin so flawless the sun will shy away, bones so strong that mountains can be moved. A life so long that aging only happens once every few years instead of months. What if you could spend an eternity without being forgotten?

What if the complete opposite became just that, the opposite? I never thought it possible until it happened to me


I had a hard long day behind me. Between caring for my horses, making sure that things ran smoothly at my own business and working my every day job I needed to relax. I worked for one of the best graphic design companies in America and absolutely loved it but it could be very demanding at times and the people I worked with always made sure to make my day hell. Walking to the barn I decided I wanted to take the youngster horse out. I had just finished training him in my spare time. I didn't have friends since I had moved here so I had a lot of free time on my hands to do with what I pleased. Naturally having such a grueling day I was too lazy to use a saddle and a helmet and opted on going bareback.

Normally I would use a helmet even with my own horses I trust with my life but at the moment the tack room seemed miles away and my legs needed a break from running around. I grabbed an extra lead rope to use as rein on the halter. I led him from the barn to the mounting block to get on and went for a nice steady ride in my back yard called the forest. I had acres and acres of forest as my yard.

It was one of the pluses when I first bought the house a few months ago. It was scary at first. Hearing all the noises nature could make but I quickly got use to it using it as a lullaby when I went to bed. I made a promise to myself to explore a much of it as I could when I had the time. Today I walked one of the usual routs I had mapped out. The beauty it presented made me lose track of time and I felt all the stress leave my body. It was this time of the day the forest seemed to come alive and I smiled to myself as I watch the critters carry on with their usual routine.

After an hour of walking I started to head back but Fudge got a little restless. I tried to encourage him to walk forward but as soon as one step was taken he flipped out completely. As if a loin was hanging of his neck. Before I could get him to be calm and think he reared up and I slipped of as he almost flipped over.

At that moment I regretted not wearing a helmet as my head hit the ground. Hard! My mind blanked out for a few seconds before I forced myself to focus around me. He had ran off but I was not worried. His natural instinct was to get back to safety which was home.

I laid there for a couple minutes before getting up as I did not want my head to spin. I slowly started to move and groaned from the pain that radiated through my head. I dropped my head in my hands and felt something sticky. I brought my hand down to my face and saw blood coating my fingers. Great! Now I have a serious head injury to add to my ever growing list today. I slowly got up on shaky feet. I needed to get home and a hospital.

The night time was not something to take lightly here. Even though I love the dark and nature I had noticed some strange things not to mention that it was still wild untamed lands. My biggest concern was the wild bears that had taken refuge on my lands as they realized no one harms them on this territory.

I had taken a few shaky steps when I heard some twigs snap and shortly after that, a low growl. It send a shiver up my spine since it sounded feral. Seems like luck was definitely not on my side today. I got knocked down from behind and fell to the ground giving the bump I had to my head a friend. My mind screamed at me to just close my eyes and go to sleep but my stubbornness got in the way and I forced my eyes to open. I tried to focus on what happened and realized something had forcefully pushed me down. This time I didn't have time to collect myself as I saw big blurry paw and claws at the side of my face. It seemed somewhat unnatural. I realized it was because it didn't have fur on them that made it look this menacing and I scrunched my brows in confusion.

I had a moment of adrenaline going through my body as fear coursed through m veins and attempted to get up. But as soon as I tried to move a big paw came down on my back. Pushing me down hard on the ground and cracking some of my ribs in the process. Not to mention my spine felt like it had hit concrete. I wanted to scream but my brain couldn't get me to do the function I was thinking since it was still muddle from the knocks it had taken.

The animal got off and stood in front of me. At this point I did not care about the pain I cared if I lived or not. I got up but only managed to get in crouching position. Pushing the dizziness aside I tried hard to see what was standing in front of me.

At first I saw a blurry animal figure and I thought it was a bear. I wanted to play dead like everyone keeps telling me to do but it was too late. The seconds ticked by and shook my head as if that would focus my vision. My eyes became more focused to the point that I could make out what was standing in front of me. My mind must be playing tricks on me for what was there should be impossible. So I did the thing that almost anyone would do.

I screamed, I screamed and ran as fast as my broken body could allow. The sudden adrenaline that gave me the strength didn't help me much. I ran a few feet before I was tumbling down to the ground again. I turned around quickly looking at my attacker who was right on top of mer. Before I could scream again he lunged forward and sunk his teeth into my shoulder.

He shook his head from side to side while his teeth sank even deeper connecting with bone, crushing it. Being so close to my ear I thought it was my head being crushed when his teeth crushed my bones as if it was nothing but sticks.

He let go and blood was pouring out. My hands flew up to try and stop the bleeding but was useless. It forced itself out and ran out between my fingers. I got one last good look at him but then my mind deceived me. Before I blacked out completely the impossible turned out to be possible. The image would be imprinted in my mind for months.

Then darkness took over.

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