Chapter 11

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People were still wary that some of the enemy has stayed behind and was hiding in the woods but they slowly resumed with their lives. The fear of them returning out of the blue was also present. Rumors have spread on why the rouges were here but there imagination would never compare to their reality. I silently listened to the rumors hoping that no one found out the truth.

The humans in town had made it hard to shift. Since the rouges retreated they had started venturing deeper into the woods to find the killer wolves. They had made it a game among themselves to see who could kill the first wolf before it killed them.

Even through all the problems that presented itself on all fronts the people got excited at the news of the Warrior Kings unborn child. The first child of the next line of royalty. Not that the kid would ever become King but his bloodline would be strong and would one day take his fathers place if her or she so chooses.

People showered her with trinkets and blessings. Sasha had soaked it all up but after three days she had had enough. Some people would congratulate her over and over again. It made her grumpy so she took it out on me. Her mood swings so early on didn't help either.

She would run to me crying saying that this was so terrible, then she would start hitting me and go back to crying. I wish Red would come home so he could take the punches of his hormonal wife!

I could see her fuming out the kitchen window across the field. An older pack member was touching her non-existent stomach and probably told her it was a great blessing.

She patiently waited for the older woman to finish before she stormed off in my direction. My weapon at best of times would be ice cream but it didn't always work.

I took out the tub of ice cream and leaned against the counter with my hand outstretched for her to grab it. Hoping it would work.

Thankfully she opted for the ice cream instead of using me as a punching bag "If one more person congratulates me or wishes me good fortune I will rip them a new one."

From all the pleasure she got from teasing me I now could find humor in her torture. "You're the one mated and married to a King. So you should deal with it." I had barely missed the spoon she had flung towards my head.

"Don't you have training to get to?" She knows how to burst a girls bubble.

Training had started a couple of days after the rouges have left and I wished they were still here. Since Red was still away Rex was taking over training and it was brutal, to say the least. He also doubled his training so that we could be ready for the next attack.

Red hadn't allowed for the men to throw real punches at me just yet. He wanted me to learn how to really hurt my opponent first. I think he sometimes took the whole sisterly love thing a little too far and I was paying for it now.

The same could not be said for Rex. The first time he trained us he nearly ripped me in half for being a favorite, as he so called it.

So he proceeded to order the men to fight me as if I was one of them. I smiled at first having a real go at this and thought I might be able to best some of them. Those were my famous last thoughts. I had hit the floor more times than I could count in one session.

I have been knocked out, kicked, stabbed and even broken some bones. A few trips to the hospital later and I started to learn to avoid the pain each blow caused me. I also built up resistance to the pain which I found was an great achievement. For men, they punched hard but as wolfs with super strength, they nearly killed me. So I learned how to really fight and was making even faster progress at it.

Today was no different than any other except it was test day. The only way they would mark us was by seeing how many opponents we could knock out from either our group or another.

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