Chapter 7

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Sasha was practically on cloud nine from what I told her. Then her face suddenly dropped. "Aww man, I lost the bet with Red." I could not believe her. "You had bet with Red about this?"

"Well duh, we have bets against everything. You know this." I gulped down the rest of the wine as if it would make this situation better.

"Well, what do I do? I don't even know if I know how to flirt!" I pulled a face at myself at that. What girl doesn't know how to do that?

"Just be yourself babe and everything will be fine. Oh, I got to tell Red!!" Before she could grab her phone I grabbed her. "No, you don't."

She gave me an innocent look. "No, you tell everyone. Please, just this once do as I ask." I gave her the look she always uses on me. Puppy eyes! How does your own medicine taste?

"Okay fine. But only because I don't want to give Red money..." She slowly set the phone down on the table as if she was still contemplating on telling him. I steered the conversation in a different direction before she could change her mind.

The rest of the night was filled with laughter and stupid ideas. Sasha even convinced me to go skinny dipping late at night in my pool. It was odd but it was fun none the less.

We ate all the junk food we could find and watched sappy romance movies. We bickered more about the food than watch the movies. I will just re-watch it when she isn't here. She ate way too much and never wanted to share. I couldn't even eat the amount she eats and where she stores all of it is beyond me. I get the whole high metabolism and all but she ate enough for an army!

That was one of the mini arguments amongst the bickering. There wasn't much more to do once the food was finished and opted for going to bed. I had not even realized it was late when I went to bed and I needed to be up early today.

I had only slept an hour before I had to wake up to go serve out my punishment. Luckily it wasn't something that was going to get me killed but I did do things at snail pace from the lack of sleep.

I cherish my sleep. Especially since I started having nightmares. So combining last night with the few hours of rest during the week made me feel less than human. Not even the walking dead could compare anymore.

By the time it was one I had knocked more things over than cleaning and I still had a few rooms to go. I was definitely going to pay for neglecting my duties but just thinking made it feel like mission impossible.

I sat at the table in the kitchen with my head resting in my arms. I just need an hours sleep and I would finish the last few rooms. The head maid, Lucy found me like this and started yelling at me. Her lips were moving but the words came out to fast for me to comprehend.

I could care less about her temper right now as all I wanted to do was crash on my bed and sleep until the next day. She stopped talking and bowed towards the kitchen door. I lazily swung my head to the door and saw Tyler standing there.

Even in my sleep-deprived state, my body did funny things at the sight of him. I stared at him without even caring that anyone would see me drool over him. For once I was checking him out without blushing and I mentally cheered. Some words were said between the two and then Lucy left.

I watched as Tyler walked around the table and stop next to me. He bent down and picked me up in his arms and started walking. "Where are you taking me?" My voice sounded like my brain, slow.

"No need to worry little love, just go to sleep." No need to tell me twice. With how sleepy I am and his arms being the most comfortable bed ever I drifted off before he even reached the stairs.

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