Chapter 2

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The bell went for Lunch. Thank God! I thought to myself. I left the room and made my way to my locker. Andrea, the only girl that I was friends with (all the others were boys), was standing by it.

"So..."She had a huge grin on her face.

"So...?" I pushed. Though, I wish I didn't, especially if she was going to ask about the party.

"You going to the party?!" She practically screamed. I honestly wished that everyone would stop talking about this party!

"No, I have to baby sit for my mom... Plus I went to a party last night..." I gave her an apologetic look. The only I ever went to parties was with her. Plus, I knew that she would've wanted someone to get ready with.

"Okay..." She gave a sad look, but I ignored it. "How was the party last night then?"

"Let's just say, it ended how every party would end for me." She knew what I was talking about.

"Who did you get in a fight with?" She asked curious.

"Some girl, I didn't know her..." We both started laughing, making our way to the canteen.

I only got a bottle of water, I don't like the food that they do here. After me and Andrea paid for our stuff, we went and sat at our usual table. I was about to tell Andrea something, when Patrick, her boyfriend and the one hosting the party, came over.

"Hey babe!" He started kissing Andrea.

"And their off again!" Pete laughed as he sat by me.

"Very funny..." Patrick said as he pulled away from Andrea. "Riley, I hear your not coming tonight..."

"I told she's got to 'baby sit'" Pete told him.

"Yeah, my mum is going on a date or something, so..." I explained. Patrick then started a talking to Andrea after that, and then he practically started eating a her face.

"So, you got a boyfriend yet?" Pete nudged me.

"Since when will anyone go out with me?" I looked at him and then couldn't help but smiling, he was so perfect. If only he knew how I felt.

"I bet any boy would love to go out with you... That is after they have asked for my permission" he winked.

"Of course... And what about you? You found a girl yet? But then again, you have dated nearly everyone in the school... Maybe you should start looking somewhere else" I smiled.

"Ha ha ha, you know your so funny, did I forget to mention that?"

"Why thank you!"

"Okay, let's make a bet..."

"Okay, what's it going to be?"

"If you don't get a date by next saturday, you owe me a trip to LA..." He smirked.

"Your kidding... and if I win?"

"I will... Give you a thousand bucks."

"Deal," I shook his hand. "Don't come crying to me when you have no money, because once you give it to me, you won't be getting anything out of it!" I teased.


"Honey are you going to be okay looking after this lot?" My mom asked, for the fifth hundredth time.

"I'm sure, if there are any problems, I'll just ring up next door or something to help." I smiled.

"Okay honey, I won't be long!" She gave me a kiss on the cheek on left. I walked over to lounge, where I found my 3 sisters asleep on the couch. If only they could stay like that till mom comes home, that would be great I thought.

And I was right, within half an hour, Hermione, Shauna and Lisa was fighting.

"Girls stop it!" I shouted, but they ignored me. "Shauna, put the car down! Hermione stop biting your sister! Lisa don't do that!" They still didn't listen. I had to call someone. I went to the phone book and found the number that I was looking for.

"Hello?" a lady answered.

"Hey Mrs Wentz, you couldn't do me a huge favour?" I pleaded.

"You want me to come over and help with the girls?" She asked, knowing what I meant straight away. "I can hear them fighting, I'll be over in 5 minutes." I hung up the phone. It was really handy having your best friend living your next door. But unfortunately, Pete wouldn't be coming over, he was at the party.

The door bell rang, and the girls went quiet. I ran to the door and answered it. But I was surprised to see who it was.

"Sup Riley!" Pete pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back, but I was confused.

"Your mom was meant to come over...?" It was supposed to be a statement, but it came out as a question.

"I know, but I wasn't going to the party, so I thought that I'd come over as well... The girls love me!" He laughed as he made his was through the house. He was right though, the girls did love him.

"Pete!" They screamed when they saw him. They ran over to him and gave him a hug. He then started messing about with them, so I told that I was going to go upstairs.

About five minutes later, Pete walked into my room and tried to help me with my homework.

"So is your mom here?" I asked, hoping that he didn't leave the girls alone.

"Yeah, she came in a few minutes ago." He smiled. His smile was breathtaking.

"Why didn't you go to the party?" I asked.

"Well, I was going to go, but the fact that you were like, the only in school who wasn't going, I thought about joining you..." He told me. I blushed, he always did this.

"You should've gone, I feel guilty every time you do this..."

"It doesn't bother..."

"If you say so..." It went quiet then. I didn't know what to say, we usually have lots to talk about, but for some reason, we didn't today.

"So where did your mom go?" Pete asked, breaking the silence.

"On a date... It'll do her good though, I mean, she seems happier... She hasn't been this happy since... God knows..." It had honestly been a long time since I last saw her smiling. After my dad left, she just got depressed, it was a difficult time.

"So have you met the lucky guy?" Pete laughed.

"No, and I don't plan to..." I spat.

"Okay, okay..." Pete said, holding his hands up in surrender. "Hey, you never guess what?"

"What?" I unwilling asked.

"I met a girl!" He screamed, not literally.

"Oh my God!" I put on a fake smile. It killed me that he had found someone already. "How did you meet? Tell me everything!"

"I was driving home, and there she was standing in the rain, so, like the gentleman I am, I gave her a lift home... She so beautiful, this one is definitely a keeper!" He gushed.

"Well, all I have to say is that I've taught you well!" I joked.

"Of course! For a girl who's never had a boyfriend, you give the best advice!" He hugged me again, and I hugged him back. I was devastated. I wish I had told him how I felt, but I guess it's now time to find a boyfriend...

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