Chapter 7

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"Mom, I'm home!" I shouted as I walked into the house. Lance left us last week, so my mom was doing more to get her mind off things.

"Oh, hi honey!" My mom shouted from upstairs. I made my way to her, she was in her room putting on make-up.

"I have a date, and then I have to go to work, so I don't think I will be back home tonight, your going to stay over the Wentz's for tonight.." She explained.

"Can't I stay here on my own?" I didn't like the idea of me staying with Pete for the night.

"No you can not! I heard what happened with you today, and I'm not impressed! Mrs Wentz has agreed to keep an eye on you, so your staying there and that's final!" My mom told me. Her voice made it very clear that I wasn't going to be able to talk my way out of this one. I went to my room getting my stuff ready, packing only one back pack. After, I went to the girls room to help them get there stuff ready.

"What toys are you girls taking?" I asked, smiling at them. Since I wanted to stay away from Pete, I decided that for all the time that I was their, I was going to play with the girls.

"The cars!" Hermione smiled.

"No, the ponies!" Shauna told Hermione.

"Actually, we're taking the dolls and dolls house!" Lisa told them.

I could sense a fight about to happen, so I intervened. "Why don't we take all of them?" I smiled.

"Yay!"They screamed.

Once we were all ready, my mom walked us over to the Wentz's. I didn't see the point, since they only lived next door. I carried all of the bags over, and anyone would think that we were moving in with them. Mom knocked on the door, and Mrs Wentz answered.

"Dale!" Hermione, Shauna and Lisa cheered.

"Hiya girls, you looking forward to tonight?" Dale asked. They all nodded and giggled.

"Hey Dale, thank you so much for looking after them!" My mom told her as they hugged. I just stood there, rolling my eyes.

"Ah, Riley, I heard about today..." Dale said. "Pete told me everything..." She then explained. Well, thanks Pete for telling everyone my business. I just nodded not knowing what to say. Mrs Wentz then invited me and the girls in as my mom left. Pete came down the stairs just as I was about to ask where I should put the bags.

"I'll take them off you." He offered.

"Thanks..." I handed him 3 of the 6 bags and followed him to the rooms.

"The girls will be in Hilary's room and you will be in my bed." He explained as we walked up the stairs.

"Where are you going to sleep?" I asked. "I don't want to be kicking you out of your own bed..."

"I'll be sleeping on the couch that is in my room, so your stuck with me. It was either me or Andrew, and I thought, since we're 'BFFs' you could stay with me. And don't worry about it, I prefer the couch." He showed me to his room, since his house was in the exactly layout as mine, he had the same room as me. I placed everything on the floor by the bed, and sat on the couch. This was going to be a long night.

"Dinner's here!" Dale shouted. We had ordered a pizza, I offered to put money toward it, but I wasn't allowed. After we had all eaten, I got the girls toys and played with them for a while. I could feel Pete's eye's on me, but I ignored it.

"Time for bed girls!" I told them, getting up from the floor. They all moaned, but did as they were told. Once they were in bed, I went to Pete's room.

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