Chapter 16

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We finally made it to the hotel, luckily this was the venue, otherwise neither me nor Pete would be able to have a glass of wine. Pete had booked the room and wouldn't tell me whether or not he got two separate beds or a double bed. I continued to bug him, asking him over and over, but he still wouldn't tell me. He got our key and showed the way to the room.

"Gonna tell me now?" I asked, now frustrated, even though we were standing outside the room.

He just laughed and opened the door. I ran in and saw two separate beds. I sighed in relief, though I was a bit disappointed.

"Shot gun the bed by the window!" He called.

"It's a bed, not the front seat of your mom's mini van!" I laughed. "You really need to grow up."

"No I don't, I'm perfect the way I am!"

"Whatever. What time is Andrea and Patrick meeting us?" I asked, putting my bags down.

"They booked a room in this hotel, it's only down the hallway, so maybe 7ish..." Pete explained.

"So I have 2 hours to get ready... Great, I could be done in that time..." I opened all off bags on the bed and start arranging them in groups, knowing what order that I was going to need each thing first. I grabbed a towel, clothes and some soaps. "Shot gun in the shower first!" I shouted as I ran to the bathroom.

As I climbed out of the shower, I changed into some sweat pants and a baggy t-shirt, that I soon realised used to one of Pete's. I went back into the room and grabbed the hair dryer, curling tongs, and straighteners. I went to the dressing table and plugged everything in. As I did this, Pete went into the shower. I dryed my hair and then straightened it. Once I did that, I curled the ends of my hair. Just as I was about to turn everything off, Pete came over to me, shaking his head.

"Keep the dryer and the straighteners on!" He warned.

"Alright..." I put my hands up in surrender. I moved back to the bed that had all my bags on it, and grabbed 4 make-up cases.

"How much make-up do you need?" Pete laughed, staring at the cases.

"Not much..." I shrugged.

"Then why...?" Pete looked at me confusingly.

"Because I do..."

I stared doing my make-up, and by the time I was finished, Pete was already ready to leave. He was wearing a grey suit, with no tie and he had two of his top buttons un down.

"You look very dapper..." I smiled as I complimented him. But then I noticed how similar it was to the suit he wore to prom those years ago. "Hey, isn't that-"

"Yes, it's my prom suit, only this time, I couldn't be bothered to wear a tie..." Pete shrugged.

"I'm surprise that it still fits you..." I raised my eyebrows and shook my head.

It was now time for the dress. I had brought 10 different dresses, all the same colour, but different styles. I tried them on one by one, leaving it to Pete to pick the best. This happened for about half an hour.

"That one!" Pete nodded, biting his lip.

I looked down at the dress. "Really? You sure?"

"Trust, I do have my own fashion label, so I pretty good at this shit." He assured me.

"Okay..." The dress that he chose was black like the others, only this one was really long and had a low back. It was then time for the shoes. I had brought 20 different shoes, 10 that were heels, 5 that were flats, and 5 of which was converses.

"You should them shoes!" Pete pointed at a pair of black heels. These wear highest heels I had, they 6 inches.

"If you say so..." I placed them on my feet and stood up. "My feet are going to kill by the end of the night."

"It's okay, I'll carry you if it has to cone to that." He shrugged and winked. I just laughed. "Cone and stand next to me for a sec."

"Why? To see if I'm taller than you?" I laughed and stood next to him.

"Even with heels on, I'm still taller than you!" He laughed. "Ha! and I'm a little guy!"

"Fuck off!" I said, slapping his arm.

"Okay, I'm sorry..." Pete said, even though he was still laughing. I just rolled my eyes and started sorting my bracelets and earrings.

Andrea and Patrick soon turned up to our room, a little bit drunk. When they turned up, we had a glass of champagne, to help get us ready for the rest of the night. This night might not be so bad after all.

The night was going really well. It was really nice to have a catch up with everyone. Not many people had changed, but there were a few that had, had plastic surgery. Brad, who was now married to my mom, was there. I didn't really speak to him as much, I was to busy getting drunk with Andrea, Patrick. Pete, however, only had 5 glasses of champagne and because of that the fun was short lived because of Pete.

"I think you've had a bit too much to drink Riley..." Pete said, holding me so that I wouldn't fall off the chair.

"What do you mean? I'm fine!" I giggled. Okay, maybe he was right, I hadn't been this drunk in... Well, forever, I had never been this drunk.

Pete helped me up, making me leave Andrea and Patrick, who were to busy eating each other, and lead me to our hotel room.

"Pete, me feet hurt..." I slurred. He picked me up so that I was in his arms bridal style and carried me up the stairs.

"Here we go!" He said, chucking me on my bed.

"Hey!" I shouted. I got off of my bed and sat next to him on his bed. "I have something to tell you!" I whispered.

"What is then?" He smiled, trying nit to laugh at me being too drunk.

"I don't like Tyler!" I whispered in his ear and then started giggling. "I like someone else! Shhh!"

"Okay... Who is it?" He laughed this time.

"You really want to know?" I couldn't stop giggling, and I had no clue on what I was doing. But before he could answer, I kissed his lips. He pulled away, giving a really confused look. "What didn't you like it? I can kissed better, but you already knew that!" I winked at him.

"It's just..." He bit his lips, then looked at mine. He then kissed me, sliding his tongue down my throat. I pushed him, so that he was lying on the bed, and climbed to top of him. I started undoing his buttons on his shirt, just as he started to take my dress off. He slid his shoes off and so did I. He then turned us over so that he was on top of me. I tried undoing his belt on his trousers, and he helped.

I could honestly say, it was the best sex that I had ever had.

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