Chapter 11

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It's been six months and I'm showing a lot. I'm still attending school, though I end up going home early due to morning sickness. I haven't spoken to Pete since the night that I found out, he is dating Laura again, and she has started on me again, several times. At lunch times, I ended up sitting on my own. Andrea would come over to see if I'm alright every now and then, but she sits with Pete and everyone like that.

It was going to another boring day today. I have been struggling to keep my eyes open. I got into my car, and sat there. I did this every morning, just so that I can think. I soon started the car and unwillingly drove to school.

"Ah, miss Williams, your late again..." Mr Smith said, sounding disappointed.

"Whatever..." I whispered, it was to low for him to hear.

As usual, I sat at the desk right at the back. I used to be interested in the lesson, but nowadays I just stare outside through the window, not listening to jack shit.

It was soon lunch, the best part of the day. Maybe it was because there was food, and it didn't matter what was on the menu, I would eat it anyway. I grabbed a tray and made my way to the queue. I didn't really look at the person infront of me, but when I realised that they were talking to me, I knew who it was straight away.

"You okay?" Pete asked in a dull tone.

"Yeah." I didn't look at him, I just concentrated on the food, Junior in my stomach was really hungry.

"How far are you now?" Why does he even care? He wanted me to get rid of the baby.

"6 months, just another 3 to go..." He just nodded. I paid for my food then sat at a table on my own as usual.

"You just don't get it do you?" I looked over and saw that Laura was having a go at Andrea.

"Fuck off Laura!" Andrea shouted back. I had no clue of why they were fighting, but when someone started on my best mate, they have to deal with me, even when I'm pregnant.

"What's going on?" I asked walking over to them.

"It's none of you business! Just fuck off Riley, otherwise that baby of your will be dead!" Laura shouted at me.

That got me started. I punched Laura, and yet again, a massive fight started. I was clearly winning, but Pete pulled me off her.

"What the hell Riley? Your fucking pregnant, you need to take it easy!" Pete told me.

"Why the fuck do you care?! You don't want this baby, so what I do is up to me!" I shouted back. I then suddenly felt the urge to be sick.

"Doesn't mean that I can stop caring for you!" He shouted back.

I had no time to run to the bathroom, so I walked over to the nearest bin, and started being sick. Andrea came over, holding my hair back. Someone called the school nurse, so she gave me a check up, everything was fine, it was just morning sickness... again.

The nurse told me to go home, so I did as I was told. My dad wasn't pleased when I came home, but I ignored him. I put my pyjamas on and went to bed, noting wanting to see anyone.


My due date is really close, only a week away. I'm starting to get nervous. Even though it was the stupidest thing to do, but I still attended school. The summer went really fast, so the next I knew, I was a senior. I wanted to get as much education as possible, especially since I'm not going to be able to graduate. This morning I woke up with a lot pain coming from Junior, but, like most things, I ignored it. My dad told me to take the day off school, but I insisted that I went. He told me that he would have his cell on at all times just in case.

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