Chapter 5

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School, yay. The weekend went quicker than it should have. I hadn't seen Pete since saturday, he had been with that bitch of a girlfriend of his. I think it would be easier if I just did what she said, not killing myself, but staying away from Pete. I opened my locker, when I felt some arms wrap round my waist. I smiled and turned round.

"Hey babe." I smiled

"Hey..." He leaned down and kissed me. He had such soft lips, everything about him was perfect.

"So decided where your taking me this weekend?" I hated surprises.

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go to homecoming with me...?" He looked down embarrassed. I had forgotten all about it. I always tried to not think about it, mainly because I would go on the night, and just sit around, waiting for someone to ask me to dance...

"Sure!" I faked a smile. This could end in a disaster, but we would have to wait and see.

"Great!" He was so happy. The bell went for first period. "I'll see you later!" He walked off with a huge smile on his face. I say walked, but he looked as if he was dancing.

I made my way to English, only to bump into Pete. I just ignored him and walked off. I went straight to my usual desk at the back. Laura was in her seat, she looked and gave me an evil look. I was so tempted to just go over to her and hit her. Probably pull out a few extensions, and ruin her make-up, show her true colours.

See, what no one knew, was that me and her used to be friends, almost like sisters, but then we got to high school, and she had a complete make over, this was all because she wanted to be popular. And it worked, within a week, she had a reputation.

Soon enough, it was lunch. I met brad and we sat at a table with Patrick and Andrea. Andrea was gushing about the dress she had brought for homecoming. I don't think anyone was listen, except me. I now had to think of what dress I was going to get, I usually wore a dress that was from the 80's and now that i had a date, I had to get something descent.

"So, what dress you wearing?" Andrea asked as she poked my shoulder.

"I don't have a dress yet..." I admitted.

"What?! Your not going to end up wearing that one dress again are you?"

"No, I'm not..."


Everything was going great then, until Laura and Pete showed up.

"Look what the cat dragged in..." I whispered to myself.

"Excuse me?!" Laura asked. She was pretty pissed.

"Look... At.. What.. The.. Cat... Dragged... In..." I winked at her. "Do I need to say it again for you to understand?"

"You no what Riley?" She shouted, making a scene in the canteen. "No one likes you! We all wish that you would go and kill yourself! You think people would feel sorry for your because of what happened with your dad, and then with that thing that happened with your brother-" I cut her off.

"You do not bring my brother into this!" I stood up, getting in her face. How dare she bring my brother into this. "Who the fuck gave you the right to make my brother involved! You can chuck any abuse at me, and I won't care, but bring any of my family into it, then your in shit!"

"Riley, calm down..." Pete told me, pulling Laura away from me.

"Oh, fuck off!" I shouted. "Everyone tells me to calm down! But how can I? Everyone just treats me like shit, and guess what? I put up with it, because it doesn't bother me! If any of you have got something to say to me, then come and say it to my face!" I picked up my bag and walked out of the room. I went straight to my car, and just sat there. I didn't know what to do, I had no hope left in me.

I missed my brother. He disappeared when He was 16, I was only 13. Like me, he got bullied a lot. We searched and searched for him, every police department, in every state was looking for him. But, after 2 years of not being able to find him, the police told us that he was probably dead. I cried for days on end. Laura had no right to bring him up. It was because of people like her, that he was dead. But if there was a possibility that he was still alive, then why didn't he come back?

I turned the keys that were in the ignition. The car wouldn't start. Great, just another thing to add to my list of things that could go wrong today. I got out of the car and started walking out of the school gates.

"Babe wait!" Brad called.

"What do you want?" I shouted. I just wanted to be alone.

"I'll give you a lift" he smiled. The problem with Brad, was that he always smiled.

"Okay..." I gave in. I stomped over to his car and waited til he opened it.

He drove me back to mine and came in for a bit. My mom was so surprise when she found out that I had a boyfriend. We went to my room and watched a film. After about half an hour, Brad had to go. Once he had left, I went to my bathroom, locking the door. I went to the cabinet, grabbing some pills, then getting the razor. I sat against the door and took the pills. Then, with the razor, I started slicing my legs, it hurt, but I was okay with pain. It has come to a point were and I cannot feel the pain anymore.

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