Chapter 17

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I had had the weirdest dream: I was going to a school reunion with Pete, we were sharing a hotel room. At the reunion, I got drunk and Pete helped me to out room, he was hoping to go to bed, but I had other ideas.

My eyes fluttered open and I looked round the unfamiliar room. My head was pounding like hell, and when everything started coming back to me. I sat up and looked round. There was no sign of Pete. What happened last night? Did we really have sex? This was all a huge mistake.

"Morning!" Pete walked in from the bathroom with a huge smile on his face.

"Did we?" I just stared at him. Praying that he would say no.

"Have sex? Yeah, why? Don't you remember?" He laughed.

"I thought it was a dream..." I shook my head. What was I going to tell Tyler?

"Well, it certainly not a dream!" He laughed hopping on to the other bed.

"I'm so stupid!" I put my head in my hands.

"Your not stupid, you were drunk, it was a drunken mistake and it'll never happen again, I promise." Pete assured me.

"Promise?" I looked up at him.

"Promise." He smiled. "Besides, I just got off the phone to Megan and we're going to give our relationship another go..."

"Really?" The words killed me. So, what, he would just have sex with someone then get back with ex the next day? It was ridiculous!

"Yeah, she meeting me at yours when we get back, why there, I have no idea..." He laughed and got up.

We decided to get ready to leave then. Neither one of us spoke. We soon got into the car, but it wouldn't start.

"Shit!" Pete shouted in frustration. He tried over and over again to get the car to start, but it still wouldn't work. As he tried again, I got out of the car and lifted the hood. Pete got out to see what I was doing.

"I got this..." I muttered in concentration. I fiddled with some parts of the engine and slammed the hood shut. "Try it now" I told him.

He did as he was told and tried to start the car, which finally started. I climbed back into the car, realising that my hands were now all black. "Yuck." I said, trying to find something to wipe my hands in.

"There's a cloth in the glove compartment." Pete laughed.

"Cheers." I went to the glove compartment and and wiped my hands in the cloth. What was a white cloth, was now a black cloth.

We finally got to my apartment. Megan was there with Gabe, Murron and Tyler. They were all happy to see us, especially Murron.

"Mom! Dad!" She screamed when walked into the flat.

"Murron!" I ran up to her and hugged her tightly. "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you to mommy!" she  hugged me back.

I then went to Tyler and kissed him. "What's brought this on?" He smiled, pulling away from the kiss.

"I just missed you, that's all!" I smiled.

"That's good, I missed you to. Oh, by the way, I have a surprise for you later, that is after the party..." He gave me a smile that was irresistible.

"Oh, really?" I teased.

"Yeah, come over to mine at about 7 tonight." He kissed me. I kissed him back, and I as pulled away, I could see the jealousy in Pete's eyes.

Gabe, Megan and Pete soon left. They were also going this party tonight, which left me feeling confused, because Tyler hated Pete. Murron loved parties, so she was excited about it to. It seemed like everyone I knew was going to the God damn party, so I think they all knew what the surprise was.

"Can I come in?" Andrea asked, though she had just basically let herself in.

"Your already in Andrea!" I laughed. She was here to help me get ready for this party.

"Oh yeah... Haha! So what happened last night?" She asked curious.

"I had sex with Pete... Don't tell anyone!" I whispered.

"What the hell Riley! What were you thinking?" She slapped my arm.

"I have no idea, I'm guessing that it was the drink that causes it..." I explained as I went through my wardrobe.

We soon changed the topic. Andrea knew what the surprise was, but wouldn't tell me what it was. She of all people, knew that I didn't like surprises.

After I was ready, I got Murron ready. She wore a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. Like me, she liked black clothes, so she had a few of my clothes from when I was younger. Once everyone was ready, we made our way to Tyler's house.

Tyler's house is huge. It's more like a mansion than a house. As we turned up, cars was all the filled up his drive way. This was obviously going to be a big party. I got out the car, and just stared at all the cars. Most of them were familiar, I saw my mom's car and my dad's. Was my whole family hear? I grabbed Murron's hand and we made our way to the party. As we walked in, Shake It by Metro Station was playing lightly in the background. It seemed more like a get together than a party.

I started having a catch up with my sisters', mom, dad, and all of their partners. Murron had gone off with her dad somewhere, probably to dance, but then again, Pete couldn't dance for shit. Suddenly, the music stopped and everyone went quiet. Tyler came over to me and sat on a chair, where everyone could see.

"Riley, we've been together for 5 years, but it seems like forever,"he started saying. "You are my best friend, and I love you so much. I can't picture spending the rest of my life with anyone but you, so..." He got on one knee. Uh oh. I wasn't ready for this. He went into his jacket pocket and picked out a case. When he opened it, the was a huge diamond ring in it. I stared into his eyes, what on earth was I going to say? "Will you do me the honor of  becoming my wife?"

I looked around the room and watched as smiles appeared on every face, but not Pete's. He looked super jealous. I then thought about how he got with Megan again, and realised that it wasn't worth chasing him anymore more. I looked back at Tyler, who had the biggest smile on his face. I nodded as tears fell down my face. "Yes..."

Tyler picked me up, spun us around and kissed me. Everyone started cheering as he placed me back on my feet, well everyone but Pete. I just put on smile, if it meant marrying Tyler to get Pete jealous, then that's what I was going to do.

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