Chapter 22

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"6 months and counting." Andrea exclaimed excitedly. "I can't wait until my baby is born."

The past few months had been the best. Me and Murron moved into Pete's house and everything was going great from there. I was at Andrea's baby shower, it was only me, her, Patrick, Pete, Murron, Marie, Joe and Andy. She wanted it small and sweet, nothing over the top.

"What's it like being pregnant?" Marie smiled. She looked as if she was brooding, but to be honest, so was I.

"Amazing!" Amber exclaimed. "Riley, how did you find being pregnant?"

"Painful." I admitted. "Especially the birth." I watched as Andrea's face fell, showing a worried expression, like she had made the worst decision ever. Pete nudged me, suggesting that I should say something pleasant. "I mean, it's the best thing that could happen."

"Murron's your everything right?" Andrea's expression changed so that she was smiling.

"Of course, I can't imagine my life without her." I admitted.

"Same here mommy!" Murron laughed.

"Thought of any baby names?" I changed the subject.

"Well, for a girl we were thinking either Hayley, Skye, Ali or Jane." Patrick said. "And for a boy, we were thinking either Kellin, Tom, Sean or Cameron."

"Nice names." Pete assured. "At least you have a say in the names Patrick."

"Uh, excuse me, you weren't around when I was carrying Murron..." I protested. "Hence why I chose the name."

"I know... Sorry again about that." Pete wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed the side of my head.

"It's okay, I forgive you." I smiled.

It was only 8pm when everyone left. Me, Pete and Murron stayed behind to help clear stuff away. Pete was helping Patrick in the kitchen and I was helping Andrea.

"So, 28 tomorrow." Andrea laughed.

"Ugh, don't remind me." I laughed.

"28 isn't that bad, trust me." She assured. "So... You brooding?"

"Yep." I sighed. "I don't know of Pete would want another one though."

"What makes you think that?" She looked at me astonished. "Pete loves Murron, surely he would love one more."

"I know... It's just..." I trailed of in deep thought. In all honesty, I was scared. I was scared that he would leave or something like that. I didn't want to be alone again.

"Just?" Andrea pushed.

"I'm scared." I admitted, trying hold back the tears. "Everyday I wake up, scared that he'll leave me again. I'm even more scared of he did it because I was pregnant. It would kill me."

"Riley..." Andrea sighed, hugging me. "He loves you. I know for a fact that he won't leave. You two have been best friends since you were kids and that has made your relationship stronger. He won't give up again."

I just nodded, not sure on what to say. She better be right.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to mommy, Happy Birthday to you!" Murron sang, jumping on the bed.

"Thank you darling." I smiled, though I hated the reminder. Pete was stood next to the bed with a huge smile on his face. He had a plate of pancakes in his hands and Murron had a card and a tiny box.

"Happy Birthday babe." Pete grinned. He for one knew how much I hated birthday's.

"Thanks babe." I turned to Murron, just as she chucked the box to my face.

She laughed and I ignored her, opening the box. In it, was a locket. I opened it up and one side had a picture of the three of us and it had 'Love you to the moon and back' engraved on the other side.

"It's beautiful." I smiled, my eyes tearing up. Murron gave me a hug and I kissed her forehead. Pete lent down, kissing my cheek nd hen handed me the pancakes.

"Enjoy." He smiled.

After eating all of the pancakes, I got up and got ready for the day. The plan for the day was that we were going shopping with Andrea and Patrick. As for the evening, well Pete said it was a surprise.

We arrived at the mall, and started our adventure of shopping. Pete was buying me everything. I would just have to look at something and he buy it. He brought me clothes, make-up, shoes, jewellery and perfume. I wasn't used to being this spoilt. But, I kept my mouth shut and let him get on with it.

As we were leaving, there was a small crowd of paparazzi. I grabbed Murron's hand and pulled her close to me. Let's just say, the media loved her. When they found out about Pete being a dad, it was in every article and on every news channel. They had even got me involved in it. It didn't bother me as much, but I was worried about Murron more than anything. As we walked by, they asking questions. Most of them were to private to answer, but Pete soon started to talk to one of the camera men about my birthday and how he had something special planned. Still, he didn't tell me.

At about 7pm that night, Pete told me to take Murron to stay with her friend, Maddie. I confusingly agreed and drove her there.

"Mom, what had dad planned for you?" She smirked.

"I thought you could tell me that." I laughed. We pulled up to the house and walked to the porch. I rang the door bell and waited for someone to answer.

"Hi Riley." Kaylee, Maddie's mom, answered.

"Hi Kaylee, I was told that you were having Murron for the night?" I smiled back.

"Of course, Pete rang up." She giggled. "I hear he's planning something special."

"If only someone would tell me." I laughed. I looked Murron and hugged her. "You be good now."

"Yes mom." She giggled. "Love you."

"Love you too." I smiled before walking back to the car. I hope this 'surprise' was going to happen soon before I explode. I hate surprises.

"Hello?" I called as I entered the house. It felt weird saying house instead of apartment.

I closed the door behind me, and as I did, I noticed rose petals on the floor. I looked round, I realised that they were a trail that I was meant to follow. Cautiously, I followed the petals, which lead into the dining room. I entered into the candle lit room, Pete was standing with a huge smile across his face. He was stood by a table that had two champagne glass, a bottle of red wine, two meals and lit candles. Around the table was more rose petals. It was perfect... Romantic.

"Happy Birthday Riley." Pete walked over to me, taking my hand and moving me to the table. He took my jacket and pulled out my chair. I sat down at waited for him to sit down before I could speak.

"Pete... This beautiful." I smiled.

"Not as beautiful as you..." He winked, causing me to blush.

He poured out our drinks and we started our meals, which was really tasty. I was so surprised when Pete declared that he had cooked it. As far as I knew, he could only cook pancakes.

"Riley." He said as we finished the meals. "I have known you all my life, and I am the luckiest person to have someone as beautiful, and special as you." He got up from his seat and walked up to me. "It is, always have been and always be me and you against the world. Your my 'BFF' and I love you so much. I want you, me and Murron to be a proper family. So," he knelt down onto one knee and pulled out a velvet box. He opened it, revealing a glittering diamond ring. "Will you, Riley Taylor Williams, become my wife?"

Tears started streaming down my face as I nodded. "Yes." I whispered.

Pete smiled and placed the ring onto my finger. As soon as he did, I pulled his face to mine and kissed him. Andrea was right, I shouldn't be scared.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while, been really busy. Just want to say a big thank you for all of the votes! it means a lot.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2014 ⏰

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