Chapter 21

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Everyone looked at me in horror. People from Tyler's side of the family just gasped in shock, so did my side of the family. I looked Murron, who was sat next to her dad. She had a smile on her face, so I'm guessing that she didn't understand what was going on. I then looked at Pete, he was trying look as if he was shocked, but the fact that he had a smile playing around his lips was not helping him.

"Why? Why not?" Tyler asked. Tears started to fall down his face, making me fell 10 times more guilty.

"Tyler, I don't love you anymore..." I tried to hold back the tears.

"What do you mean? You loved me so much that you were going to have a child with me..."

I hesitated. "The baby wasn't yours." Everyone in the garden gasped and started whispering, well, everyone aside from Pete, Andrea and Patrick.

"What?!" He started to raise his voice. I stared at him blankly. Tears were falling down my face, I felt so bad that I had done this to him. "Who was it? How long has it been going on?!" He shouted. He grabbed hold of my wrists. "It was him wasn't it? Wasn't it?!"

"No, it was someone that you don't know!" I shouted through the tears.

"Don't give that crap! It was him! Your always spending time with!" Everyone looked at one another looking confused.

"He's Murron's dad! I have no choice but to spend time with him, it's for Murron's sake!" I explained, still shouting. Tyler squeezed my wrists harder and pulled me closer to him.

"Get your hands off my sister!" Gabe shouted, making his way to the front.

"Gabe, it's fine." I assured him. "Tyler, can we talk about this inside?"

"Okay, but he is coming with us." He let go of my hands and pointed to Pete. I nodded and followed him inside.

"Andrea, can you look after Murron for me please?" I asked as I walked past her. Tyler led me and Pete into the lounge, I tried to stay away from Pete, just so that Tyler wouldn't get even more suspicious.

"No more lies?" Tyler asked me when we reached the lounge.

"No more lies.." I whispered.

"Okay, so..." He took a deep breath. "Did you cheat on me with Pete?"

I looked at Pete, I didn't want Tyler to do anything to Pete. But, he had the right to know. "Yes..." More tears started to fall down my face.

"What does he have that I haven't huh?" Tyler started shouting. "You filthy little slut! You ruin people's lives! I should have left you when I had the chance! You are such a whore!"

"Hey, leave her alone!" Pete shouted. "It was my idea to start the affair!" Tyler then turned to Pete, he was fuming. "Yes, I decided to start this affair, because I actually love her." Pete calmly said.

"Riley, why him?" Tyler asked turning back to me. "Why did you agree?"

"Because I love him too. I always have and always will. Yes, he would mess with my head when I was in high school, that's the reason I left Chicago. But, I never stopped loving him. I guess, meeting you was a way to try and forget about him, but it never worked!" I said through the tears. Tyler slapped my face and I took it like a man.

"You bitch!"

"The fuck are you doing man!" Pete shouted, coming over to me.

Next thing I knew, Tyler had punched Pete, and they were now fighting.

"Stop it!" I shouted. But they never stopped. As they continued fighting, I continued to shout at them. I had no clue on what to do. They soon smashed a vase, and that people walking into the scene.

"Stop it now!" Andrea shouted. As she shouted that, Patrick and Tyler brother, Randy, pulled the two boys away from each other. "You two are so pathetic? Haven't you heard of a thing called talking? We all know that it's better to use are words!" Andrea shouted at them.

I sat on the couch, and put my head in my hands. This day turned out worse then expected. I felt someone put their arm across my shoulder, so I looked up to see who it was, and surprise, surprise, it was Andrea.

"You okay?" She asked calmly. I nodded tears still falling down my face. "Why is your cheek red?"

"Tyler slapped me... but I don't care about that, I've had to deal with worse." I whispered.

"Oh Riley..." She gave me hug, and hugged her back. Murron then came running towards me.

"Hey skip." I smiled.

"Mom, are you okay?" She asked concerned. I nodded, not saying anything. "Everything will be fine, I promise." She smiled.

I laughed. "It will, especially with you around, what are going to be? My personal bodyguard?" I joked.

"I'm too small to be a bodyguard, that will have to be dads job." "True, but he is smaller than average men..." I laughed with her.

Pete then came over to us, smiling. "What was that you were saying about me?"

"Mommy said that you are smaller than average men!" She giggled.

"That is so not true, I am an average sized man, not smaller than one!" He joked.

"Of course!" I rolled my eyes. Though I then noticed a cut on his lip. "Pete, your lip is bleeding."

"Oh, it's fine, it's only a little cut." He stated. "You worry to much." He winked.

"No I don't!" I protested. Even though this day was a disaster, it might end up being a start of something new, but who knows?

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