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KARA CARTER had never seen such a perfect human being before

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KARA CARTER had never seen such a perfect human being before.

Red hair, tan skin, shiny teeth, jawline so sharp it could cut you. Definitely her type.

It was summer, so Kara wore only a tight white crop top and some high waisted shorts, so short as to show off her fair legs. She wished they were golden like the other girls in Riverdale, but the fair skin came with the red hair she supposed.

"I hear the sundaes are really good here," Kara mused, leaning against the bar counter next to the red-haired boy. His dark eyes flicked over to her, and he smiled lightly, "The cheesecake ones are the best."

Kara raised an eyebrow flirtatiously, not concerned at all about what she was doing. She was just visiting in Riverdale, and had only had a few drinks, what's the harm of a little fun? "Cheesecake sundae? Sounds delicious," she said slowly, leaning closer to him, "I'm Kara."

"Archie," he replied, studying her. She had beautiful, strawberry blonde hair and pink lips, pulled perfectly into a smile.

Kara wasn't sure how it had happened- she wouldn't be able to tell you if you asked. All she knew was that Archie Andrews ended up in between the ginger's legs as she was perched on the bathroom counter in the diner. He ran his large hands up and down the exposed skin on her sides, his lips and breath on her neck.

Kara moaned breathily, one hand at his head, her fingers tugging at his bright colored hair, and the other scratching the bare skin of his back. Archie definitely worked out.

Archie's hot breath hit her ear in airy puffs, making her arch her back in pleasure. His fingers fiddled with the buttons on her shirt, but she pushed him back gently. "My car's out back," she whispered, "Its pretty big." Kara let her lips touch his ear and her teeth brush against it. Archie nodded eagerly, biting at his lip, as he started to pull on his shirt again. Kara followed the ginger haired beauty into the parking lot, eager as well, but at the time, she had no clue.

No clue that meeting Archie Andrews would either be the biggest mistake of her life or its greatest blessing.


"Mom, really, I can drive myself."

Kara's mother, Kim, sighed heavily, pushing the pair of horn-rimmed glasses further up the bridge of her nose. "A-are you sure you don't want me to come with you? I mean, I wouldn't want you sitting there all alone if it's not ready when you-"

"I'll be fine, Mom," Kara assured, grabbing the keys off of the key ring by the door, "And besides, I want to scope out the kids here. Maybe there will be someone there I can talk to." She left out the part explaining that she had been there before, and had hooked up with a guy she met there. Minor details.

Kim nodded in agreement, reluctant to let her daughter roam freely this late at night, but she supposed it couldn't hurt.

"All right, but be back as soon as possible, you hear me?" she ordered, shaking a finger at her. Kara rolled her eyes as she finished tying her hair into a ponytail. "Okay," she said, waving at her mother as she dashed out to the car.

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