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"TOPAZ, I SIGNED UP TO BE A SERPENT," Kara grumbled, getting out of her car at the trailer park on the Southside, "Not wake up at 3 AM

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"TOPAZ, I SIGNED UP TO BE A SERPENT," Kara grumbled, getting out of her car at the trailer park on the Southside, "Not wake up at 3 AM."

She stopped short, looking up to see people with scary reptile masks standing in front of her, their arms crossed. The two in the front took off their masks, revealing their faces- Toni and SweetPea. Kara relaxed a little, looking around the dark parking lot. "What's going on?"

"Time to start initiation," SweetPea said, "With you assuming guardianship of the beast." Kara swallowed thickly. Beast? They wouldn't make her take care of an actual snake or something? Would they?

A yip caught her attention, and a small dog ran through SweetPea's legs and placed its paws on her. Kara smiled, bending down the scratch the small chihuahua behind the ears. "Every new recruit has to take care of the beast," Toni smiled, handing Kara the red leash, "Normally, its Hot Dog you'd be taking care of, but Jughead's already claimed him. So you get Peanut Butter. PB for short." Kara found herself grinning as she picked up the small dog. He licked her face and Kara laughed.

"Yeah, PB's not much for personal space," Toni said, rubbing the chihuahua's head, "Take good care of him, okay? We'll meet you to pick him up tomorrow morning." Kara nodded, watching as the Serpents watching started to leave. Her eyes followed Toni as she left too, wondering how she could've ever labeled these people as the bad guys.


Jughead found out about Kara's fraternizing the next day. She was sitting alone at a picnic table outside of Pop's with Peanut Butter at her side, doing some homework, when Jughead walked up. "Hey," he smiled, sighing as he sat down across from her. Kara's eyes trailed down to his hand, where he held a silver dog leash, a large, hairy dog at the end of it. Kara smiled, watching Hot Dog and Peanut Butter play with each other.

"I didn't know you had a dog," Jughead said, absently, and Kara froze. He plucked a fry off her plate. "What's his name?"

"Uh... Peanut Butter," Kara said, nervously pressing her lips together. Jughead narrowed his eyes at the dog's collar, recognizing the silver snake shaped tag that hung from it.

Their eyes locked. Jughead's eyes widened in confusion. "I can explain, t-trust me." He stared at her, waiting for her to continue, as she struggled to find the words. "I... I need to join the Serpents," Kara raised her palms up in surrender. "Someone has to keep the peace in Riverdale. Someone has to protect you," she told him, closing her book. Jughead was still in shock, shaking his head. "What are you saying? That this is your initiation too?"

Kara nodded. Jughead scowled, shaking his head again. "This was Toni, wasn't it? She came to you and asked you to watch over me, take care of me?" Kara sighed, nodding again. Jughead scoffed, running a hand over his beanie.

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