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"IT WAS FULL ON CARRIE," Kevin told them, shaking his head as he described how he had found Midge in the forest last night, "Midge, covered in Moose's blood

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"IT WAS FULL ON CARRIE," Kevin told them, shaking his head as he described how he had found Midge in the forest last night, "Midge, covered in Moose's blood... Screaming like a banshee- it was insane." Kara bit her lip, thinking about the poor girl, who's boyfriend had been shot right in front of her.

Archie walked up and sat on the edge of her chair, joining the conversation. "Kev, what were you even doing there?" he asked, "I mean, you could've been shot too." Kevin scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably. "I-I was just night-jogging and suddenly, I hear gunshots."

Archie sighed. "Can we all agree there's a killer on the loose?" Jughead leaned back into the couch, snorting. "With bad aim." Archie flared harshly, "Jughead, he killed Ms. Grundy-"

"We don't know if these three crimes are related," Betty sighed, trying to ease her friend's nerves. Veronica placed her coffee down and waved her hands. "Okay, guys, can we focus on what's important here?" she said, "Moose and Midge are alive, Archie's dad survived, and The Bachelorette starts tonight." She wiggled her eyebrows. "I want you all to come over."

"There's a shooter terrorizing the town, and you really want us to watch a gross dating show?" Jughead asked, frowning. Veronica replied, "What I really want is for you guys to meet my dad. Back in New York, he was always in his study, doing bad things- as it turns out." She looked down at the table. "I'm tired of closed doors. I need to know my dad's life, and he needs to know mine."

Kara beamed. "We'll be there, V." Archie smiled alongside her, and Reggie popped his head into the lounge. "Andrews, we're going to see Moose. You coming?" he asked. Archie gave a quick bob of his head as he stood, grabbing his backpack from the floor. "I'll see you guys later," he told them, following Reggie out the door. Jughead stood as well. "I better go too. I was supposed to meet my peer mentor at Southside High half an hour ago..." Betty and Kevin followed him out, leaving Veronica and Kara to gather their things and head class.

Veronica caught her arm as she started to turn away. "About this thing tonight... I was planning on inviting... Caleb, i-if that's all right with you?" Kara gave her a soft grin. "Yeah, I'm sure he'd love that." Veronica cracked a smile.



Veronica was hopping around the room, grabbing popcorn and turning the TV on as they prepared for the Bachelorette to start. Kara sat with Archie's arm curled around her, a space left between her and Betty for Veronica to sit. The raven haired girl plopped down, glancing over at Archie, who stared at the fire quietly. She nudged Kara, pointing her head in his direction.

Kara poked his cheek. "What's going on in that pretty head?" She asked, an eyebrow raised in question. Archie glanced at her for a moment, then turned back to the fire. "This thing with Moose... it's like nobody cares," he said, his eyes blazing over as he stared into the orange flames, "My dad keeps saying, 'leave it to Sheriff Keller!' Because he did such a great job catching Jason's murderer- oh wait, that was us!"

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