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"DUDE, YOU gotta stop blowing me up,"Jughead told Archie, his fingers struggling to maneuver the game controller

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"DUDE, YOU gotta stop blowing me up,"
Jughead told Archie, his fingers struggling to maneuver the game controller. Archie, who sat next to Kara on his bed, grumbled in response, "You're going the wrong way."

"You're going the wrong- What are you doing?!" Jughead exclaimed as Archie accidentally shot him to death in the game. Kara found herself smiling. They had finally found the great, all-American Archie Andrews' weakness- video games.

Archie sighed, frustrated, "Come on..." Jughead tossed his controller away, shrugging, "You're the one who kept accidentally killing me."

Kara smiled as they bickered back and forth. Her mother was supposed to return home tomorrow, and Kara didn't want want to be there when she did. She preoccupied herself by watching the boys play video games for the past few hours, which she and Jughead (of course) made fun of Archie for sucking so horribly at.

A knock at the door cut them off and Mr. Andrews walked in. "Hey, it's getting pretty late- Woah! It's kinda ripe in here," he said, waving a hand in front of his nose, "Kara, how do you stand it?"

"My nose is numb right now Mr. Andrews," she replied with a weak smile. Fred chuckled lightly, moving to crack open the window. "You settling in, Jug?"

"Oh completely," Jughead smiled gratefully. After Hermione Lodge had purchased the drive in land, Jughead (who had been living there) had no where to stay, so the Andrews men offered to house him until FP got back on his feet. It made Kara fall even farther for the redheaded boy who had already stolen her heart.

"It's like Archie and I are roommates it college," Jughead added. Mr. Andrews laughed gently, making a face. "What does that make me, the RA?"

"No, you're the third roommate," Archie smiled. Fred shook his head at his son, putting his hands on his hips casually. "All right, I got a big day tomorrow."

Archie uncrossed his legs, letting his feet rest on the floor. "Oh yeah, breaking ground on the SoDale project?" he asked. Fred nodded, "Indeed we are." He immediately recoiled, holding out a palm to Jughead in apology. "Sorry, I know it's kind of a sore spot with you, Jughead. A-about the drive-in."

Jughead looked at the floor, shaking his head with a gentle smile. "As long as you build something beautiful in its place." Fred blew air from his cheeks. "I don't know about beautiful, but it's gonna be big..." He gave them one last smile. "Night guys."

"Night," Archie and Jughead chorused back. Kara stood from her spot on Archie's bed, stretching out her limbs. "I should probably get back," she muttered, grabbing her bag from the floor. Her hair fell over her shoulder in orange waves as she straightened out, and Archie watched. "Where are you staying?" He knew that she was going to avoid her mother for as long as possible.

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