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Kara stared at the redheaded girl in front of her, who's perfect red lips were pursed into a smile. "Of course," Cheryl said cheerfully, "Are you interested?"

Kara closed her locker gently and shrugged, analyzing the cheerleading uniform Cheryl wore. "I don't know... It doesn't really seem like my thing," she muttered, rubbing her arm awkwardly. Cheryl's smile faltered, but she straightened her back, saying, "Oh, please. You don't actually have to try out, but of course it's only fair if-"

Kara stopped, looking at her strangely. "What?" Cheryl shrugged nonchalantly, nodding, "C'mon, Kara. You're ridiculously hot, and you've already caught the eyes of the hottest boys in school," she said, jerking her head over to some of the boys on the football team, eyeing them nearby, "You're practically the poster child for cheerleading."

Kara gave the boys a weird look before looking back at Cheryl, her eyebrows furrowed. Why was Cheryl trying so hard to be her friend? "Are you sure? I mean, I'm not really good at that kind of stuf-"

"Absolutely," Cheryl chirped, "So you're in?" Kara considered it for a moment, before she nodded. Cheryl squealed and flashed a bright smile. "You won't regret it," she assured her, "I know for sure that Betty and Veronica are auditioning, so we'll just slip you in with them."

Kara frowned slightly, but followed Cheryl to the gym anyway, where there were rows of girls waiting to audition for the squad. Three chairs awaited in front of the girls, like a royal court, and two of the seats were already taken. Tina glared up at the strawberry blonde, and Cheryl stepped in front of her, landing gracefully into the chair in the middle. Kara sighed slightly and searched the gym for Betty and Veronica. She found them in the corner, sitting together in their gym clothes. Kara walked up to them.

"I feel seriously underdressed," Kara laughed sarcastically, motioning to her dress. Betty laughed quietly, and Veronica just smiled.

"Do you guys have room for one more?" Kara asked with a shy smile, "Cheryl convinced me to try out, but I really didn't have anything prepared-" Veronica narrowed her eyes playfully, looking at the blonde beside her. "I don't know B... Can we make the duo of B and V a trio?" A smile crept onto Betty's lips.

"B, V, and K it is," she grinned. The girls laughed and Veronica stood quickly. "Let me show you the routine we're doing," she said, tucking a strand of dark hair behind her ears.

A few minutes later, the auditions started. Kara was surprised at Cheryl's cruelty. She turned down nearly every girl, making crude comments towards them, and some ran off crying. Cheryl was the basic mean girl.

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