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The nurse who had deposited Kara into her hospital room smiled up at them from her clipboard. Archie stood beside Betty and Jughead, who held hands tightly. Veronica has sighed in relief, her grip loosening on Archie's shoulder.

"Fortunately, nothing significant was damaged. A bit of blood loss but not too much, thanks to your friend's quick thinking with the tourniquet," she tilted her pen to where Caleb stood next to Veronica, his face pale. He had been the one to find her after the Black Hood had attacked, and he had called the ambulance, not once leaving her side until she went into surgery. "She's asleep right now, but you all can wait in the lobby and we'll inform you when she wakes up," nurse said assuringly. Her eyes shifted to Caleb, and she added, "Sir, if you'd like to get cleaned up, there's a bathroom right around the corner."

Archie watched as Caleb glanced at his hands, shaking and covered in dried blood. He had refused to leave the lobby until someone had told him her condition. He nodded softly, and Veronica started to lead him by the elbow. Archie caught his arm as he went, giving him a grateful nod. "Uh, thanks... thanks for being there a-and-" Caleb stopped him. "Don't thank me. You would've done the same if you could have."

His heart twisted with guilt and Archie swallowed thickly, managing to give a small nod. Hands shaking, he clenched them into fists and blinked back the burning in his eyes. Betty caught his look and sighed, opening her arms. "Oh, Arch..." He was pulled into her tight embrace and buried his face into her hair. Jughead wrapped his arms around them both.

If he hadn't been so stubborn and just answered the phone, maybe, just maybe, they could've saved her and caught the Black Hood. It was his fault...

Archie knew he had to do something.


The nurse let Caleb and Veronica go in to see her first, considering he was legally the only person in her family in Riverdale at the moment, and Veronica joined him because he was scared to go in alone. Betty and Jughead has stepped out quickly to get flowers and a card, so Archie sat alone in the lobby, waiting for them to return and tell him it was his turn.

Archie's leg bounced as he waited in anticipation. The door opened and he stood as Caleb and Veronica entered again. "She's asking for you," Veronica smiled. Archie nodded a little and started to leave, but Veronica caught his arm.

"Hey, Archie... um, when you go in..." she sighed softly, looking up at him earnestly, "Try not to mention the way it looks..." Archie furrowed his eyebrows. "What?" Veronica bit her lips. "You'll see."

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