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EVEN AFTER the tense interaction between Kevin and Veronica, the sheriff's son still continued to walk with them as Betty finished their tour

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EVEN AFTER the tense interaction between Kevin and Veronica, the sheriff's son still continued to walk with them as Betty finished their tour. She was just telling them about to back-to-school semi formal when they spotted Archie standing down the hall.

"Ooh," Veronica mused, interrupting yet again and nudging Kara in her side, "There's the hottie that was totally ogling over you last night." Kara's cheeks dusted red and she looked at the floor. "I don't know what you mean..."

"The redheaded Ansel Elgort," Veronica persisted, but paused when she saw Betty's longing look. "Is he your boyfriend?" she asked.

"No, we're just friends."

"Nah, he's straight."

Veronica gave Kevin a look and he grinned back. She eyed Archie's figure and hummed in delight. "In that case... Mind putting in a word for me? I've tried every flavor of boy but orange..."

Kevin held up a finger. "Actually, to clarify," he interjected, "Betty and Archie aren't dating, but they are endgame." Betty rolled her eyes at him as they continued to walk. Kara raised an eyebrow, sharing a look with Veronica.

"You should ask him to the semi formal then," Kara suggested, shrugging. Veronica nodded in agreement, but Betty just looked at the floor, shaking her head. "She should," Kevin said, "But I heard it might be getting canceled." Kara frowned at him. "Why?"

"Because of what happened to Jason."


Kara sat beside Betty and Veronica for the assembly where they were going to discuss Jason's death. She was still a little fuzzy on what had happened with the star quarterback, but when a girl with bright red hair stepped up to the podium, she immediately guessed it was his sister.

"Thank you," she said solemnly, "For that moment of silence..." Her head dipped down dramatically and she swallowed thickly, taking a breath. "Many of you were lucky enough to have known my brother personally... Each and every one of you meant the world to Jason."

Kara glanced at Betty beside her, who chewed on her pink lips. "Cheryl Blossom," Betty whispered, spotting the question in Kara's green eyes. Kara nodded slowly, looking back to where Cheryl stood.

"I loved my brother," she said, "He was and always will be my soulmate. So I speak with the confidence only a twin could have..." Her voice broke and she wiped at the corners of her eyes, talking a deep. confident breath. "Jason wouldn't want us to spend the year mourning. Jason would want us to move on with our lives," she continued emphatically, "Which is why I've asked the School Board not to cancel the Back-to-School semiformal."

The student body erupted into cheers and Cheryl nodded, a small smile on her lips. "But rather, to let us use it as a way to heal, collectively, and celebrate my brother's too, too short life on this mortal coil," she smiled, "Thank you all."

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