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(this is the last sad lydia gif I swEAR)

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(this is the last sad lydia gif I swEAR)

"ITS JUGHEAD'S BIRTHDAY?" Kara asked, a grin growing on the mouth of the blonde that sat beside her. It had been a few days since Archie and Kara had decided to take a break, so things had cooled down considerably and the two sat across from each other at lunch that day, joined by Kevin, Betty, and Veronica. Betty nodded, "And Mr. Jones told me Jughead's never had a birthday party, so..." She beamed. "Let's have one for him."

"Uh, no no no-"

"That's a fantastic idea!"

Veronica stopped her cheering and frowned at Archie across the table. "Jughead doesn't like his birthday," he told them simply. Kevin gave him a look. "Everybody says that, nobody means it," he said. Veronica rolled her chocolate colored eyes and leaned onto the table. "Okay, ignoring the negativity, Betty- you know me. Any excuse to wear a party dress," she grinned. Kara poked at her salad, frowning. "How do we know Jughead doesn't want a party if he's never had one?" she asked. Archie gave her a look, and Veronica pointed at her. "Exactly," she said, matter-of-factly. Betty nodded and began, "Okay, so I'm thinking a quaint gathering, inner circle only-"

"Oh my God, do not turn around."

Despite Kevin's sudden warning, the first thing Kara did was turn to see who he was looking at. She found herself locking eyes with Chuck Clayton, who had apparently returned  from his suspension. They watched him walk past and he sent a smug look their way. Kevin cursed. "Holy Chuck, I think his lats got bigger." Archie looked at him curiously. "N-not that I care, because he's evil incarnate," Kevin quickly explained.

"What's Chuck Clayton doing back?" Archie asked. Veronica sent him a sideways glance. "He got suspended, not expelled. Even though he should've been drawn and quartered for what he did-"

Veronica's sentence was clipped short as Betty rose from her seat, her hazel eyes furious as she spotted him sitting with Ethel. "Oh my God..." Kevin muttered as she marched over to them. The group watched her confront Chuck and Kara shook her head, leaning her chin on her hand. "I need a drink..." she sighed. Veronica nodded in agreement, poking at her half eaten salad.

Betty returned shortly, biting at her lip. "What was he doing?" Veronica asked, and they leaned on the edges of their seats to see what she had to say. Betty shook her head dismissively, "He was apologizing."

"Oh, I'm sure," Veronica muttered sarcastically, "Chuck Clayton doesn't have a contrite bone in his muscle-bound body..." Betty sighed, avoiding their questioning eyes, and she shifted uncomfortably. "Can we just talk about something else?" she asked, clearing her throat, "Like Jughead's surprise party."

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