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"HE'S NOT AT POP'S, will you check the trailer?"

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"HE'S NOT AT POP'S, will you check the trailer?"

Kara nodded, turning onto  the road that led to FP's trailer park. "I was already headed there," she told Archie and Veronica on the phone, "God, Arch, I hope he's okay. I-I can't imagine-"

"It's going to be okay. We know FP's innocent, we just need proof," Veronica said, her voice getting clearer as she took the phone from Archie. Kara sighed, nodding to herself. As soon as they had been informed that the sheriff found a locked box containing the gun used to kill Jason Blossom, along with his letterman jacket, Veronica and Archie had quickly informed her that the box hadn't been there minutes before when they had searched the house. FP was being framed, and Jughead was no where to be found. And Betty refused to speak to any of them.

Kara stared at the window, her eyes veering to the dimly lighted parking lot as she was about to pass it. It was the bus station, and standing outside, leaned against the wall with his head tucked stood Jughead Jones (the Third) himself.

Kara slammed on the brakes before she passed the entrance to the lot, earning a loud honk from the car behind her, and she quickly turned in, parking the car in front of him.

He glanced up as she clambered out, slamming the door shut behind her. "Juggy, thank God," she sighed, spreading her arms to entrap him in a hug, but he backed away. Kara frowned, letting her hands fall back to her sides and she cleared her throat uncomfortably. "Jughead-"

"Don't, Kara," he snapped, his voice cracking slightly. Kara's face fell and Jughead sniffed, looking away from her with puffy red eyes. "I called my mom to see if I could go live with her, in Toledo," he said quietly after a while of silence, "She... uh, she told me it probably wasn't the best thing for Jellybean right now." He closed his eyes, swallowing painfully. "She thinks that I'm not the best influence... especially now..."

Kara's heart clenched and she looked at the gravel beneath her feet. "Jug, I'm so sorry..." His dark hair fell over his pale face in waves as he shook his head.

"But you don't need to go to Toledo to be with your family," she told him, making him turn his head to stare at her, "We're your family. Me, Archie, Betty- even Veronica and Kevin. We're all here for you."

Jughead's lip trembled as he stared at her, tears gathering on his lash-line. They collided and Jughead hugged her tightly, his face buried firmly in her strawberry blonde hair. Kara smiled, closing her eyes and returning the embrace. "What do you say we go get some burgers at Pop's?"

Jughead snorted, pulling away from her hair.

"Sounds great, Kar."

LAST SUMMER [ARCHIE ANDREWS] - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now