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"THE CRAZIEST PART IS... I have a brother out there in the world somewhere."

Betty shook her head in unbelief and Kara watched Veronica swoon. "It's positively Dickensian." Archie wrapped an arm affectionately around Kara's waist, sticking his chin onto her shoulder. "How old would he be?"

Betty shrugged, thinking for a moment. "Mid-twenties?" Veronica clasped he hands together. "A blonde Adonis, no doubt." Betty opened her mouth to say something else, but her phone ringing cut her off.

"Hey, Jug, where are you? Have you been getting my messages?" Betty asked, hunching her shoulders as she talked to her boyfriend quietly. A shadow passed over her face. "What?" Kara sat up in Archie's lap, frowning as Betty slowly lowered the phone. "Where is he?"

"Southside High," Betty mumbled, her voice shaking with emotion, "He said it's where he belongs, and that no one wants him here." Kara's mouth dropped open. She couldn't believe her ears- they all wanted him here; that's why she and Archie were so persistent to get Jughead to stay with him, instead of go to a foster family on the Southside. Betty needed Jughead. They all did.

"FP warned me Jughead would cut himself off like this, go to the dark side," Archie muttered, clenching his fist. Kara stood and spread her arms open, "We can't let him do that!"

Archie and Veronica stood as well, and soon they were racing through the empty halls of Riverdale high to get to their friend, like a scene straight from The Breakfast Club. They ran to Archie's truck, piling in before they sped off to Southside High.

(A/N: yes I know they don't have their driver's licenses but oh well it's just easier this way and tbh in no way does kj apa look 15 js)

"Where would he be?" Kara asked, looking around the dimly lit hallways. Loud chatter wafted through the air into the hallway where they stood and Betty met her eyes. "The cafeteria."

They wandered into the lunchroom, spotting Jughead sitting and laughing with a group of kids, long haired and wildly good-looking. Kara's eyes caught the symbol on the back of the tallest one's jacket. Serpents.

Her hand reached for Archie's as they approached, and Betty frowned, touching Jughead's shoulder. "Jug...?" Jughead froze, his eyes wide as he faced his friends. "What are you guys doing here?"

Betty led him outside, where Veronica, Kara, and Archie followed uncomfortably. Veronica was leaned against Archie's truck scrolling through Instagram, and Kara leaned into Archie's body for warmth, the thin pink sweater she wore doing her no good in the falling snow. Archie kissed her pink tipped nose and she scrunched her face up in response as he teeth began to chatter. Their eyes wandered over to where Jug and Betty stood in a sweet embrace, and Kara smiled. "Their each other's soulmates... Good for them, don't you think?"

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