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Kara smiled up at the redhead as he walked onto the stage for the Riverdale High Annual Variety Show auditions. She could tell he was very nervous.

"And what will you be auditioning with?" Kevin, who was the coordinator for the variety show, asked.

"U-um, an original song I wrote called I'll Try," Archie stammered, holding tightly to the strap of his guitar.

"Try harder!" A voice shouted from the back of the auditorium. Kara turned angrily to see Reggie, Moose, and some other brain dead jocks laughing and making jokes. "Maybe try not sucking!"

"Take your time," Kevin told Archie, seeing the absolutely mortified look on his face. Kara looked at Veronica, who sat beside her. "Oh my God, what's happening?" Kara asked, gaping at the big who was frozen in the lights.

Josie McCoy, the lead singer of Josie and The Pussycats, leaned in between the two girls, a smirk gracing her lips.

"He's choking."


"I-I don't know what happened," Archie mumbled. Kara sat beside him in the nearly empty hallway as students left for the day. "I just got up there and I froze."

"It's called stage fright, Arch," Kara gave him a gentle smile, "Typically why most stray away from the arts." Archie sighed frustratedly, his eyebrows pinching together. "B-but when I'm on the football field, the stands can be packed," he murmured, "Packed, and it doesn't affect my game at all."

Kara shrugged, rubbing her legs to warm them from being on the cold linoleum. "Maybe singing makes you vulnerable in a way that football doesn't."

Archie nodded, biting his lip, before he placed his hand on top of her's. Whether he meant to or not, Kara couldn't seem to find the energy to move her hand away.

"Or maybe, what I'm missing is my team," he suggested, "Or at least a partner." Kara stared at him, trying to decipher the meaning in his words.

"Speaking of partners..." Archie mumbled, his brown eyes boring into her's intensely, "I-i wanted to talk to you..." Kara looked away from him, her heart speeding up inside her chest, knowing he was going to bring up her drunken rant from the other night.

"I-I'm trying to get my life back on track," Archie stated simply, repositioning himself where they were face to face, "And, I really want to give this another shot." His face moved closer to her's and Kara found herself frozen to the spot at his close proximity. "I want to give us another shot."

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