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Betty blonde eyebrows pinched together, but Kara continued. "Joseph Conway, who survived the massacre."

"They changed his name and hid his identity, so he could lead a normal life," Archie finished, "According to Sheriff Howard's notes, he was adopted by another family in Riverdale and presumably enrolled at this high school."

"So all we have to do is match this picture with one from these yearbooks. And maybe he'll be able to tell us how the Conway murders are connected to the Black Hood." Kara held the small portrait between her index finger and thumb. Betty and Jughead shared a glance. There was a weird feeling in the air, like they knew something that Kara and Archie didn't. "What?" Kara demanded.

"Uh, we just have to get ready for a party we're hosting," Jughead humbled wearily, eyes trailing down the tall stack of yearbooks on the desk. "It's my dad's retirement party, so-"

"Oh. Oh."

Kara blinked rapidly. FP was retiring? From what? Being a Serpent? Surely Jughead would have told her... or at least invited her to the party.

"No! I mean, y-you guys should totally come," he stammered out, quickly dismissing them. Kara swallowed thickly, slightly hurt, but shook her head anyway. "No, no, it's not a big deal. Go get ready for your party." She sat down and opened one of the yearbooks, hoping that the subject would be dropped.

Just as she thought, it was, and the couple soon left. Kara was stuck in the chemistry, looking for a needle in the haystack with her ex-boyfriend, ignoring the elephant in the room. They worked silently for a long time, neither one brave enough to start up a conversation.

"," Kara slowly said, stopping herself from using the nickname she had grown so accustomed to. "What happens when we find Joseph?"

He shrugged nonchalantly, flipping the dusty page. "If we find him." Kara nodded, pressing her lips together awkwardly as she continued to search the faces in the yearbook. Her eyes were tired and her cheeks felt heavy on her face.

"What if he is the Black Hood, Archie? What if he knows we're coming after him and he-"

Archie cut her off abruptly, hesitantly placing his hand on top of hers. "We're gonna get him this time, Kara. I swear on my life."

Their eyes met and Kara felt a firm tug in her chest, a magnetic attraction that was uncontrollable, unpredictable. He looked away quickly, and she struggled to do the same, tearing her eyes from his face to the book in his grasp. Something clicked in her brain and she slapped her hand down on the paper.

"Archie- there."

As if on cue, the door opened, and in came the janitor, Mr. Svenson.

"We know who you really are," Archie said suddenly, standing up abruptly, "Joseph Conway."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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