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Kara smiled politely at Penelope Blossom. "Good morning, Mrs. Blossom," she cooed, stepping in when Penelope opened the door wider. Thornhill was abnormally bright this morning, but maybe it was just Kara's imagination, which was illuminated as well, eager to get this giant weight off of her shoulders.

"And just in time to meet our newest resident," Penelope said, her voice as sweet as the bottles of syrup that adorned the table. A blonde girl grinned as she walked down the ginormous stairwell, her hands resting fondly on her large, pregnant belly.

"Polly?" Kara frowned, shocked to see the blonde girl staying with the Blossoms, instead of the Coopers.

"Kara, right?" Polly smiled in response, "You're Betty's friend." Kara plastered the smile on her face again, nodding. "I'm sorry about last night with Archie..." she mumbled.

Polly's smile faltered, but she quickly regained her composure. "It's fine," she said dismissively. Penelope smiled. "Well, I'll go get Cheryl- Kara, make yourself comfortable."

The redhaired woman left them alone, and Kara leaned in, saying lowly, "Polly, why are you here? Why aren't you staying with your family?"

Polly's smile dropped and she became rigid. "Jason was my family." Kara froze, fumbling with her hands. "Yeah, well, he was my family too," she said quietly.

Polly scowled at her, taken aback by Kara's words. "What do you mean? You didn't even know Jason..." Polly looked angry, almost offended.

Kara recoiled slightly, shaking her head. "T-that's not what I meant..." Reaching a hand up to fiddle with her red curls, she avoided Polly's piercing hazel eyes. "My mom... S-she..." It felt like a weight was pressed down on her chest and she swallowed thickly, clearing her throat. "She cheated on h-her husband with Clifford Blossom."

Polly's face softened and Kara stared at the floor, blinking the water from her eyes. It was the first time she had said this out loud, and it hurt- God it hurt. "I just meant..." Kara chewed on her lip, "I wish I had gotten to know Jason before..." Her voice died away.

"Does Cheryl... does she know?" Polly asked. Kara shook her head. "That's why I came. She needs to know," Kara said decidedly.

Polly took her hand silently and placed it on her bulging stomach, where Kara could feel the soft kick of a baby- two babies. "Twins," Polly beamed, her eyes just the slightest teary.

"Guess it runs in the family." Cheryl suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs, grinning. "Kara, what brings you to our humble abode this close to syrup season?"

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