Be the best.
Pushing myself past my limits,
It is a must,
Not just for myself,
For everyone around me.
I am doing this,
To show my appreciation.
An arduous journey,
No doubt.
How do I break my norms?
Average grades,
The rubber surface of,
Being average,
I'm too weak,
To break past the surface.
I'm not good enough,
I should disappear,
Stop trying,
Shut myself off,
Away from everyone else,
Who thinks so highly of me,
When I'm clearly,
Not up to their standards.I doubt,
Every single second of the day.
Insufficient.As fast as a bullet,
Skin on skin,
Prickling pain.
A slap across my face,
A piercing scream,
Telling me to stop,
Being delusional.
I look around,
No one.
I looked down,
To see a gaping hole,
Where my heart should've been.I've been losing,
My heart,
To excel,
Little by little everyday.
Until today,
I'm nothing but,
A heartless,
Pathetic and worthless,
Mere mortal.I ask myself,
Connect myself,
I examine myself,
My face like porcelain,
Cracked with all my flaws,
My hair,
A mop of tumble weed,
Rough and unkempt.
I'm slapped and screamed at,
By all my flaws,
My limits.I'm too busy,
Blaming myself,
Blaming everyone,
To realise that,
I've forgotten to,
Formulate my Plan B.
I only laid down one path,
I've overestimated myself,
Only thinking about,
How others,
Wanted to be proud about me,
Suffocated my paths,
The grass dies,
The trees whither.Getting to work,
Laying down the tar,
To success.
The further I get,
My heart rebuilds,
The greenery put back to life,
I walked down the path,
Thought of myself wrongly.
What I was destined to be,
Where I was meant to be,
Lies in the heart of musical notes,
Tremendous sounds,
Produced by,
My piano.
My love.
My path.A feeling of completion,
Fills me to the brim,
Overflows past the meadows.