#31 Loud

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They're ear piercing,
My ear drums grimace,
In dread,
Silent tears,
Great pain.
The pounding from the speakers,
Overwhelmingly suffocating,
Muffled yet enveloping,
Every corner of the room,
The walls move,
Closer and closer,
The room,
Becoming smaller and smaller,
Crouching down,
Desperation evident,
Shaking my entire being,
I cover my ears,
And try to transport myself,
To a better location,
A better mental state.
It's not possible,
The notes,
They grow bigger,
Burly arms crash down,
Gripping my ears.
Trickle down my jaw,
Into my shirt.
Permanent blood stains,
Sting my eyes,
With the memories too fresh,
Too clear,
To comprehend.

Plaster falling,
It became more powerful,
The walls struggle,
To keep in one piece.
Mayhem, chaos,
I'm struggling,
Physically, to stay alive,
Mentally, to not crash down.
The words,
Pierces into me,
Relating way too much,
Eerie similarity,
It's unsettling.

It's too hot,
Melting away my skin,
My cries ricochet,
Yet it's not powerful enough,
To combat, defeat,
The dreadful force,
That can only grow stronger,
Thriving off my pain and misery.
I'm out of words,
To describe,
The torture I'm put through.
Inhumane treatment,
Forcing my soul out of,
The safe embrace of my skin and bones,
That's what it wants.
Torn between giving and dying,
It's a clear battle loss.
Compare and contrast,
There's nothing to me,
So why me?

It's confusing,
This mystery out of,
My capacity to solve.
Desperation rings,
It brims,
Spills over,
Drowning me myself and I.
This is what the end,
Feels like.

Is all we ever do,
We never really end,
Not give up.
It's the pressure,
That forces us,
To make the choice to end,
Are we forever?
Immortality tells.

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