#34 Rain

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Showered by your blood,
Your skin stains red,
Is this what victory feels like?
Hung your body up high,
Giving you your last moment,
Of glory.
Fermented love,
Never ends well. It has
Been brewed too long,
Infected by bacteria,
A mere eyesore,
Swelling of emotions,
Long gone, now
Cold and stale.

Murder, becomes
A humane act under,
The filters of anger,
That clouds your vision,
Obscures your sanity.
Comatose state,
What are the norms anymore?
It's thought provoking, but
What are the functions,
Of that toxic, devious mind of yours?
People throw you,
In a enclosed room,
Forcing you back to reality,
Braces for your mind,
Correcting it slowly,
So painfully as well.

Eyes closed,
It's just a dream,
Pinch yourself, awake from
The delusional slumber session.
If only wishes come true,
Dreams that were long dead,
Faded away into a thing strong, in
Your memories.

You're gone,
And so has,
Your significant other, which you
Claimed to love so, yet
Cannot let go,
The last time,
Both if you lay next to each other,
A devastating funeral,
In the coffins,
The air of death circulates.
Let it end here,
So you start new beginnings.

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