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Alex POV

I was sitting on a bench outside of my college writing a Lin/groff fanfic when I felt a small pull on my jeans. I looked down only to find an adorable little turtle trying to steal my pants.

"Im sorry little guy. These jeans are probably a bit to big." I cooed at the little thing.

John POV (I don't know his turtles name so I made one up)

I just finished my last class and needed to blow off some steam after arguing with Jefferson for an hour strait. I walked into my room and dropped my bag on my chair. I reached over to the cage in which my turtle, only to realize that he wasn't there.

I immediately panicked and trashed everything in the room looking for him. Once I had gone through everything in the room twice I dashed to Hercules and Lafayette's room.

"Have you seen Baxter?!" I screamed franticly

"How you say? No." Lafayette answered. He never really liked Baxter.

I dashed out of the room and slammed through the campus doors. Then I finally spotted my turtle, another kid from one of my classes was holding him. I think his name is Alexander?

I rushed over to them nonetheless and immediately apologized.

Alex POV

John Laurens I think his name is came sprinting over to me and apologized for his turtle's behavior.

"Ha. Are you talking about this little guy? No he is adorable." I respond. He grabs the little turtle and starts to walk away, but I stop him.

"Hey. Do you want to grab a coffee?" I ask. He shrugs and nods his head. I don't exactly go out much so I grab my laptop to look up a coffee shop but Laurens grabs it from me saying he knows a good place that he can look up.

"Why exactly are you writing a bunch of one shot fanfics about two-hundred-year-old dead guys when you could be doing something else with your life? He asks clearly amused.

"Because I can." I respond. He shrugs his shoulders in defeat. He probably doesn't swing my way but what the hell I think as I raise my head and smash my lips into his.

"Laurens. I like you a lot."

Hhelloo sorry if this sucks well I mean they all suck but I wrote this one on the bus ride home so it probably sucks the most

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